I am making my baby food for Luke and want to start next week. With the other 2 I started with rice cereal, but neither of them were crazy about it. I am thinking of just starting with either pears of squash. Does it really make a difference? Thanks:)
Re: Did you start with rice cereal or did you go right to fruits and vegges?
I did it the traditional way. No solids until 6 months and then started with rice cereal and so on. I also started fruits before veggies.
I thought the cereals were gross. My 1st would just spit them back out. I tried it over and over again for about a week and finally decided I wouldn't like it if someone was sticking gross stuff in my face and forcing me to eat it, so I stopped.
I moved right to veggies that I made myself. She gobbled them right up and has been a great eater ever since. My 2nd has played around with some veggies, but isn't really into the solids so much yet.
I think we'll be skipping the rice and going straight for the oatmeal. J LOVED his oatmeal, so I'm hoping that #2 will be the same.
Then we'll do green beans and other veggies. Fruit definitely later.
Me with my littlest.