
So baby is still breech and

they'll be calling me later to schedule a C-section.  I thought a version might be an option, but apparently his or her bottom is already engaged in my pelvis.  I'm a little bummed and super scared since I had N and G the other way.  Ah well. 

 So those who have had a section, once I get home am I really out of commission?  MH will take a week off from work, but that includes the hospital time, so I'll be on my own until my parents and sister arrive around Christmas.  Is this do-able?  I have made some good friends since moving and will be asking for help, but they have little kids and are busy also.

Re: So baby is still breech and

  • Yep.  You can't drive for 2 weeks.  Can't lift anything heavier than your newborn until your 6w checkup.  It SUCKS.  If you can have help for 2 full weeks, that would probably be enough, as long as you can figure out ways to get your other ones in & out of bed, carseats, highchairs, etc.

    Good luck!!!

  • OMG!  I haven't seen you in a LONG time! 

    I was never out of commission.  Everyone recovers differently though.  My one suggestion to you is to get out of bed and walk a little as soon as they unhook you.  You will be slow, but something about moving around helps.

    Everything will be just fine.  Congrats and good luck.

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  • I would line up as much help as you can.

    I was well on my way to complete recovery after 2 weeks, but tended to overdo it and started bleeding heavily. I wasn't totally out of commission, but in no way up to chasing a toddler. You can't lift anything heavier than the baby for 2 weeks, and nothing heavier than baby + carrier until the 6 week appt.

    This time, with a toddler, I have my mom covering the week that I am in the hospital/coming home, DH the second week, and my mom and cousin tag teaming the 3rd week.


    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • Ah, I'm sorry.  I don't know about how out of commission you'll be, but I'm sure your friends will be more than willing to help out.
  • Hey!  Sorry to hear that!  I had a section with DS and it wasn't too bad.  DH also was only able to swing getting a week off since they don't really get "vacation days" in the ER.  By the time he went back to work I was able to get up and out of bed by myself and deal with the baby.  However, I wasn't able to drive right away.  Depending on when your surgery's scheduled for, I think you'll be fine until your family gets there for Christmas in addition to any help you can manage to get from friends in the meantime!  I'll be having another section in March, so I can't say for sure what it's like recovering, taking care of a newborn AND tending to a toddler, but hopefully you can get some help from friends.  Good luck!!!
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  • Hi Lauren!!!!! 

    I really didn't think either of my recoveries were that bad, but you can't drive or lift much for a couple of weeks.  If you can, maybe make arrangements to have someone take N to and from school for you for a few weeks.

     After the first week, I was okay to do every day things as long as I kept it to a minimum and didn't overdo it.  Freezer meals were super helpful!  Also, prep N for the fact that he can be a big help by going up and down the stairs to get things for you, pour a drink for G, etc.

  • I don't have anything to add to the PP comments about needing help with lifting, etc., but wanted to tell you that the baby *could* still turn itself around.  My DD was breech at 38 weeks and I wasn't a candidate for a version, but when I went in for scheduled C at 39 weeks, she had turned head-down (mind you, I ended up with a c-section anyway)  But you just never know!
  • Not completely, but your activity is very limited. 
  • You may want to look into acupuncture. They can move out of that position.
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