they'll be calling me later to schedule a C-section. I thought a version might be an option, but apparently his or her bottom is already engaged in my pelvis. I'm a little bummed and super scared since I had N and G the other way. Ah well.
So those who have had a section, once I get home am I really out of commission? MH will take a week off from work, but that includes the hospital time, so I'll be on my own until my parents and sister arrive around Christmas. Is this do-able? I have made some good friends since moving and will be asking for help, but they have little kids and are busy also.
Re: So baby is still breech and
Yep. You can't drive for 2 weeks. Can't lift anything heavier than your newborn until your 6w checkup. It SUCKS. If you can have help for 2 full weeks, that would probably be enough, as long as you can figure out ways to get your other ones in & out of bed, carseats, highchairs, etc.
Good luck!!!
OMG! I haven't seen you in a LONG time!
I was never out of commission. Everyone recovers differently though. My one suggestion to you is to get out of bed and walk a little as soon as they unhook you. You will be slow, but something about moving around helps.
Everything will be just fine. Congrats and good luck.
I would line up as much help as you can.
I was well on my way to complete recovery after 2 weeks, but tended to overdo it and started bleeding heavily. I wasn't totally out of commission, but in no way up to chasing a toddler. You can't lift anything heavier than the baby for 2 weeks, and nothing heavier than baby + carrier until the 6 week appt.
This time, with a toddler, I have my mom covering the week that I am in the hospital/coming home, DH the second week, and my mom and cousin tag teaming the 3rd week.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Hi Lauren!!!!!
I really didn't think either of my recoveries were that bad, but you can't drive or lift much for a couple of weeks. If you can, maybe make arrangements to have someone take N to and from school for you for a few weeks.
After the first week, I was okay to do every day things as long as I kept it to a minimum and didn't overdo it. Freezer meals were super helpful! Also, prep N for the fact that he can be a big help by going up and down the stairs to get things for you, pour a drink for G, etc.