I am having a terrible time with gift ideas this year. I really want to stay away from buying clothes. I am just stumped for everyone, parent, in-laws and DH.
I am even even stumped for DD who is 2. It seems that she is too big for baby toys and too little for 3 year old toys.
If you have any ideas, please share. Any and all ideas will be greatly appreciated.
Re: NPR: Need Christmas gift ideas
For family I am going to have DS paint some small canvases or do other art projects. We are also getting a web cam for my MIL so she can "see" DS more often, and I am gettinga bunch of books for my dad and step-mom (they are retired and go through a ton of books). We will probably give photo calenders, as well, since everyone liked them a lot last year.
For DH I got him a Wii, plus a bunch of accessorries, etc. In his stocking I am going to put some small cooking things, and a DVD or something.
DS is getting a play kitchen, shopping cart, art supplies, and a few little people sets from us. Grandparents I think are getting him some Aquadoodle mats, a play tent,and the Little Tykes basketball set. We may also get him a sled.
I always get DC toys they can grow into for the next year. So it's ok if they are a little more advanced than when they get them.
DS is 2 and our ideas are: Toy cars/trains/emergency or farm vehicles; musical instruments (maracas, tambourine, drums); Game Hungry Hungry Hippos; Play kitchen and wooden food, Wood tool table and set; Books; Art supplies.
What about doll things for her? Stroller, sling, bed, clothes, etc?
Have you checked out etsy.com? They have a ton of ideas for gifts and I love the fact they are unique b/c they're handmade. I am getting my sister some soap fomr there, my parents a picture to go on their "state" wall and a photobook of the kids. Other people I'll make baskets with cookies, ornaments with the kids handprints on them, photobook of our family, calendar, etc.