I'm not good at being a parent of two! It is really hard. Klaire is up all hours of the night (I know this is normal but it is hard)- last night she was up crying from 2:15-4am. it was crazy. Kyle is acting out a lot and Klaire is just always so gassy and seems uncomfortable. Right now they are both napping, so I should probably be napping myself instead of bitching on the nest. But I feel like I'm losing my mind!
Re: Okay, I'm going crazy!
I hope that things get better soon. I know that feeling -- and it's horrible.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
It's no joke, right? Sorry to hear you are having a hard time. I felt exactly the same way a few weeks ago. Emi was up all night crying, barely slept during the day. Then, I cut the dairy out of my diet, and she seems a lot happier, and sleeps from 11-7 at night. With the exception of last night's black bean episode, of course.
Maybe try to tweak your diet, and see if you can figure out if something there is bothering her. Gina can't tolerate dairy either, so that is why I cut the dairy first. But in my black bean post, people listed other foods that bothered their babies.
Does Kyle still go to daycare while you are on maternity leave? Gina is going p/t, and it is a lifesaver. It helps keep the routine, and she loves to go. I would feel bad if she was at home and I wasn't able to do things with her. I think it helps with the acting out. Is that an option for you?
HUGS, it's so tough! Don't feel bad about b!tching here, I surely do it enough!!
Kyle had MSPI and I don't want Klaire to have it also. Maybe I should try cutting the dairy out but that is a step I really don't want to take- I have 60oz of pumped milk in the freezer. Kyle is going 2 days a week to daycare- unfortunately today is not that day. I love those days though. I go back to work in less than 2 weeks though- I need to get something worked out sleep wise before I return to work!
Thanks for the support!