My husband works nights so I have to put both the boys to bed by myself. I'm wondering if anyone else has to do this and if you have any tips for when they are both fussy. It is so hard because you can't let one CIO when they other is sleeping. I want them to get used to falling asleep in their cribs, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do that so they don't wake each other up.
Re: Putting babies to bed by yourself?
Thanks for the tip. I want to try and put them to bed together when they are sleepy and see what happens. It could be a catastrophe or it could work. *fingers crossed*
Couldn't be much worse than both of them having me up until 12 last night!
I don't always have to but have on occasion. I watch the babies really closely so I don't miss their window and they go down pretty easy. When they don't then I seperate them and leave one in my room with me.
Luckily they haven't both done it at once when DH isn't home.
I oput mine to bed alone 3 times a week when DH has class. Like the pp I started early establishing a bedtime routine and I watch closely for their signs of tiredness so I don't wind up in meltdown zone.
When I'm by myself I feed them their solid dinner when I get home from work at 5:00, then we have play time until about 6:15 when I start winding them down for bed. I do either bath or a wipe down of face and hands depending on the night, then pj's, a story and a bottle. I put them down about 5 minutes apart (they each get a few minutes of cuddle time and a song with Mommy in the rocker) and usually the first one is asleep before I bring the second one in. If not, I do let them CIO and they're usually both out in about 10 minutes. I go in after 5 minutes to replace paci's or put my one DS who stands back down on his back. They are usually both asleep by 7:15.