
Oshkosh Multiples Discount

Just wanted to let you guys know that if you have an Oshkosh store or outlet near you you can get 10% off your total b/c you have twins. I just remembered while online looking for xmas pj's that last year we bought some stuff for the twins and we got 10% off for their  multiples discount. I love how random things just come to me sometimes- LOL

Re: Oshkosh Multiples Discount

  • Oh, I wish I had known that a few weeks ago.  I bought these really cute Christmas PJ's there and I even had the babies with me and they didn't tell me about the discount.  :(.  The jammies are sooo cute though.  One is red and the other is red and white stripes.  They both have trap door things on the but and one says ho,ho,ho and the other says naughty.
  • LOL- actually looking back at Xmas pics from last year it was reminded me of it. We had their xmas jammies from there last year and Nathan's were green and white striped and they had the trap door that said "B'jolly" and Morgan's were red and white striped and her trap door said, "Little Elf". Too cute! I think I might go up to the outlets this weekend to see if I can find some cute coordinating Christmas jammies.
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  • Actually, they have stopped the multiples discount.  I was at OshKosh last week (in two different states) and they both told me their corporate hq has done away with it.
  • The last time I was at an Oshkish I had my twins with me and they told me they don't offer it anymore :(
  • The one by my house does not offer the discount Sad They used to but stopped about 6 months ago.
  • Aw damn it!!!!  I got excited.
  • The meanies. :(
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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