
Sugesstions needed - Friend about to have a 32weeker

I am a mom of  preemie as well, and my friend/co-worker is on the verge of having her 32 week baby within a day or 2 (this is her first). Can you ladies give me some suggesstions on good gifts that she can really use? I hope to visit her at the hospital and want to give her stuff that she'd really need and would be really helpful.


Re: Sugesstions needed - Friend about to have a 32weeker

  • chap stick, tissues, hand lotion, disposable camera, childrens books to read to baby, button down cotton shirt for kangarooing, hand sanitizer, thank you cards, sudoku or puzzle book, nice pen, journal or notebook, the book Preemies: the essential guide for parents of premature babies,  coins for vending machine, gift card for local restaurant or gas  station, lots of hugs and a patient ear with empathy for having been there yourself. 


  • I second the book Preemies The essential guide and/or a journal! =) Also, her favorite food or drink they don't have in the hospital...
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  • I think pp pretty much covered everything, but I second the journal idea. ?My sister (who also is a preemie mom) gave me a journal and told me to write every day after a visit to Keira in the NICU. ?I did a pretty good job keeping it up to date and now I have a complete record of her NICU stay. ?Assuming your friend's baby will also be staying in the NICU, I think that was my favorite gift.

    The disposable camera is great too. ?We left it in Keira's isolette drawer and the nurses took pics of her while we weren't there. ?I had the pictures developed about a week after we brought her home, and wow. ?It was amazing to literally see our little girl grow from the first picture at just a little under 2 lbs to her discharge weight at 5lbs. ?There were a lot of moments caught on film that I hadn't been there to see either (first bath, etc)

    GL to your friend!?

    Claire Avery born at 32 weeks on 10/25/06 Keira Leigh born at 27 weeks on 4/29/08
  • Everything pp's have said, and I second gas cards as well as restaurant gift cert.'s. ?They were a godsend when DS was in the NICU, as he was 45 minutes away from our home, and every little bit of extra $$$ helps!
  • Amazing help - thanks so much everyone!!
  • I second lstaylor. Also, ask what she needs for the baby at home. I had NOTHING when DS when born and it panicked me. I loved having bottles to clean, clothes and toys to wash when I got home from the NICU - it kept me busy and made me feel like I was doing something for DS. So, see if there is anything she still needs and offer to come help over and help her get ready for things when she gets can chat and help (make sure she eats, etc).
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