
New Situations

I'm not going to post them directly (like we talked about earlier, right girls? :)), but I'm just giving a heads up that my professional blog has been updated as of this morning and we have MULTIPLE new situations that came in just today.  There's even an AA set of twins, and I'm telling you what, it's all I can do not to want to adopt them myself.  Don't tell my husband:)

Hope you are all having a great day!

"Our children are not ours because they share our genes... they are ours because we have had the audacity to envision them. That, at the end of the day...or long sleepless night, is how love really works." Adoption Consultant Blog
Personal Adoption Blog

Re: New Situations

  • Can I ask a question (or two)about these matches?  Are these BMs that don't want to pick the adoptive parents? or do you just not have enough adoptive parents who are open to adopting babies who are not caucasian?  I'm just curious about your process, I hope you don't mind.   (and I want the twins, but I think it's a higher fee then we were planning on! sadly!)


  • Thanks for the reminder!
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  • Like TTCgrad...i'm interested to learn more about your process...can you e-mail me at jewele803 at hotmail dot com?
  • imagejewele803:
    Like TTCgrad...i'm interested to learn more about your process...can you e-mail me at jewele803 at hotmail dot com?

    I would be happy with information via email too, if that is easier: fromthearcticnorth at gmail dot com.


  • I am interested in hearing the info as well too.  wendymalcolm at gmail dot com

    However, my DH and I haven't even started the homestudy process.

  • Add me to the list!  kimmilou 2 at yahoo dot com

     We are already working with an agency (in the beginning stages, in MN) but are interested in some of your situations.

  • I'm sending emails to all you girls:)  I just wanted to say, though, here, that these situations are tough for us right now because we don't have any families currently working with us who are open to AA or even in some circumstances biracial babies.  So many of these birth moms have due dates that are quickly approaching, so I'm pulling out all the stops and posting them everywhere:)

    Also, CAC isn't a facilitator or referral service; we work only with ethical (for both the birth mom and the adoptive parents) agencies with whom we have developed personal, trusting relationships with.  We work as advocates for our couples.  Our goal is to help couples adopt as quickly (we average less than 4 months right now with many of our couples matching immediately after finishing their home study) but with as little financial and emotional risk as possible.  Everyone who works at CAC is an adoptive parent, so we know what you're going through and what the process is like.

    SO...there's my little mini-explanation; I'll email you all more info and feel free to email me, too at karalee at christianadoptionconsultants dot com  :)

    "Our children are not ours because they share our genes... they are ours because we have had the audacity to envision them. That, at the end of the day...or long sleepless night, is how love really works." Adoption Consultant Blog
    Personal Adoption Blog
  • Oh my gosh this is so exciting! How amazing if you could find matches for some women on this board! I wish I had the money to adopt a baby :) Okay maybe I should wait a few more months or years! lol
    Married on 3.20.2004. It took 30 month, 2 failed adoptions and IVF for our first miracle. We have had 9 foster kids since he was born and started the domestic adoption process when he was 10 month old, we had 4 failed matches in that time. After our daughter was born we brought her home and spent 2 weeks fearing we might lose her because of complications that came up. But Praise God all went through and she is ours forever! Expecting again after IVF Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers image
  • You goofball, R! :)  Although....Baby B sure could use a sibling already. :) 

    "Our children are not ours because they share our genes... they are ours because we have had the audacity to envision them. That, at the end of the day...or long sleepless night, is how love really works." Adoption Consultant Blog
    Personal Adoption Blog
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