This evening I almost said something to my MIL. I love her and I know she's excited that her
grandson is doing so well, but geeze....does she have to kiss and slobber all over him every second. I'm freaking out thinking GERMS!!! He's still in the NICU. I cringe every time i see her all in his face kissing his cheeks and neck all the time. It's bad enough she smells like cheap perfume and cigarettes, my poor son probably wants to vomit. How do I say something with out offending her? Help please
Re: How do I tell my MIL to stop kissing and slobbering all over my baby??
I sent out a "how to keep Marino safe from germs" email to family and friends and no kissing (except on the top of the head) was included in the rules. The email was well received...if you want, I can email you a copy. Email me at
Our pedi specifically told us to tell people not to kiss him, so I hear you on that!!
Yes, I had a friend thaat said the same thing. I was thinking of having the nurse say something to her so I don't seem like a over protected mother. You would think she would know since he's in the NICU.....but sometimes it's hard talking to her with out offending her.
"It's bad enough she smells like cheap perfume and cigarettes"
I would talk to her ASAP, especially the cigarettes even on clothing it can still affect a preemie.?
You have an advantage, still being in the NICU! Ask a nurse to do it for you... then you don't have to be the bad guy.
I asked the nurses to mention things to visitors a few times, if I was afraid of it coming out wrong. It's totally a legitimate concern, but a nurse can say it without any potential MIL/DIL drama.
I would be as concerned about the cigarette smoke on her skin, clothes, etc as the germs. We still do not let anyone (including my MIL, sister, and aunt) hold Campbell if they smoke and have not showered and changed clothes since they last smoked. A preemie's lungs are just too vulnerable to any contaminant.
Also, ditto pp, if you don't want to say anything, you can always get the nurses. Ours were very good at spelling out the rules....
I'm sort of surprised the NICU staff hasn't said anything to her about this! Have they seen it for themselves?
I would have a nurse speak to her ASAP.