
How often is your 10-12 m old nursing?

DS only nurses 3 or 4 times a day (mostly only 3) now but he's still nursing 3 or 4 times a night too, he just rolls over and nurses so I never know for how long.

Is this enough or should it be more?  He's been eating baby food and just now in the last few days has mastered table food and is eating like a horse.  He used to gag on everything!

Mommy to three adorable boys!

Re: How often is your 10-12 m old nursing?

  • That's about how much Bennett nurses, so it sounds right to me. ?Oh, how I wish I could cut out those nighttime nursing sessions. ?:) ?I think it's natural for them to gradually eat more solids and drink less milk. ?
  • If I say no idea, does that make me a bad mom?  Seriously, she's on all table food eating the same times as her sister so 3 meals a day plus one snack.  I think she nurses maybe 5 times a day (give or take one or two depending on the day and how busy we are).  She's still every 3-4 hours during the day if we're home, but if we're busy and distracted, she might go closer to 5 or 6 hours.  She still wakes up around 10 or 11ish to eat one last time for the day.  I've been meaning to break that habit but I'm up so I don't mind it too much.  She sleeps from then until 6 or 7am and doesn't usually BF for the first time until closer to 8.  She's not a morning nurser like DD#1 was and prefers to eat breakfast with her sister (who eats right when she gets up) and BF later.
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  • DD was still nursing every 3 hours around the clock at that age.... about 6x during the day and 2x at night.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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