Yay! I was so worried after Allison's 4 day appt because her weight dropped from 8 lb, 11 oz at birth to 7 lb, 10 oz and because the doctor thought she looked slightly jaundiced.
Today at her 2 week appt, she weight 8 lb, 13 oz! Her bilirubin levels also dropped from 11.7 last Monday to 5.4 on Friday. The doctor said she was perfect and strong
Hooray for my big, fat, perfect, strong baby!!
Re: my fatty baby!
I am so happy to hear that! BTW, can I ask if 11.7 was the highest her bilirubin was, or was it ever higher than that? I know Katie's Allie had it too, and I think it was around 12? Now I'm thinking back and did NOT realize how much more scared I would have been if I had know everyone else's babies were around 12 and Penny's was 17.8.... they said it was high but I didn't have anything to compare it to....
They didn't tell me what her levels were at the hospital, but they didn't put her under any lights or anything while we were there. To be fair, we left on Wednesday afternoon after the baby was born on Tuesday morning. I didn't really stay for very long to let them put her under lights!!
For a reference point, my doctor told me that he gets a little concerned when the levels are in the 15-16 range and considers it a hospitalization issue when levels get to the 19-20 range.
How are you feeling today?
I'm feeling... crappy. Not going to lie. Plus, after a long night alone with the kids, we all slept in and I missed my mom coming over. She called, rang the door bell and knocked for ten minutes and not one of us woke up. I was SO sad when I found out. John's on his way home from work so I get to take a nap soon.
I can't wait for the babes to play together. And by play, I mean dress them cute, take pictures and oooh and ahhh over them haha!
YAY!!!! I can totally relate. When dd's bilirubin dropped we were so thrilled. In 2 days they went from 12.8 down to 9 and just kept going.?
Keep up the great work! You guys are doing awesome. ?
isn't it a great feeling knowing that they are thriving?
at our 4 day appt, she was 7 lbs (down from 7 1/2 at birth). At our 2 week appt, she was 8 1/2 lbs! yay for fatty babies!!!