
To think what we could have saved on the crib...

You know the agonising that goes on...which crib is best? safest? most durable? etc etc.

We didn't do too much of that but we did put thought into the safety standards and durability. Got a nice crib for about $400.

DSslept in it all of 6 months. Between cosleeping and learning to climb out we never made enough use to justify it.

And because DH wouldn't get the teething guards (spoiled the look he said) it now has teeth marks all over the rails. So we can't really sell it.

Bugger. As I pointed out to him, the teeth marks don't do much for the look either.?

Re: To think what we could have saved on the crib...

  • My mom is the one who insisted on the plastic teeth guard thingy.  She bought the crib and decided we needed them even I thought that surely MY daughter wasn't going to chew on a crib.  I thought they were tacky, but apparently they work.  I was napping in DD's room the other day (on SD's bed) and woke up in time to see her trying to gnaw the rail.


  • DD slept in the crib probably 10 times, total. It was a total waste. At least the crib was virtually new when DS was born. He's slept in there from about 1 month on.
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  • I bought one of those beds that can convert into a toddler bed and into a headboard for a double mattress. So far I've been using it pretty much since Adrian came home.

    No wasted money here =)

    Although I wish I had got the rail protectors... the teeth marks are pretty obvious.

  • I guess you never know...

    My DS slept in his crib for almost three years, and would've slept in it longer but we wanted him out of the crib because his brother was due in 6 months.

    Now the baby sleeps in the crib... He just started sleeping in it recently. I hope it'll last for awhile, we'll see.

    We bought a crib from someone who actually had twins that did not sleep in their cribs at all, so they had two nice $400 cribs to sell. They also gave us a $100 mattress they never used... all for $150.

  • DS didn't sleep one night in there (all night.  he used to sleep a few hours).  It's convertible though so he sleeps in there now as a toddler bed.

    DD has a designated spot in our bed.  I learned my lesson!

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  • Our crib hasn't been empty for 4 + years now.....we move one kid out and the next one for $450, I think we got our money's worth out of it...I don't anticipate Mitch moving to a big boy bed for another 9+ months.  I'm glad I insisted on getting the nicer one.....DH wanted cheap.
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