ok so my child wants for nothing.....he needs a bunch of stuff......he has so many toys from family that he gets for every holiday(not just the big ones) that its rediculous. I have no problem asking for practical stuff for myself because I am pretty practical and enjoy getting a vacuum for christmas(i have problems-i know). But is it wrong to ask for things like that for ds? Me thinking ahead about a toddler bed triggered the thought.
Re: Is it dumb to ask for needs instead of wants?
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home
It's not dumb, it's probably smart.
But I'd feel guilty for doing it since I think it takes away the joy of giving a fun gift to a kid and I'd feel guilty because Jackson doesn't care if he gets a toddler bed.
In general, though, I don't think it's dumb.
Sounds fine but what are you thinking of?
I guess I'm thinking I would definitely suggest clothes or a booster seat or something (which are needs) but I'd feel weird asking for diapers or health insurance premiums. Even though those are needs too. KWIM?
Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
IT depends on who you are asking...It is my understanding that it is considered very uncool to ask Jesus for wants, but ok to ask for needs.
I haven't tested this theory, but I have wondered where socks fall on the spectrum.
Doing the same thing here, bought some toys tonight the rest will be outfits... I just know that even though I said get the kids clothes and $$ for the future they are going to get a TRUCK load of toys from the G-parents.
Totally JMO but I would not have a problem (for me) asking for ymca classes or a toddler bed.
?I wouldn't tend to ask for the diapers or insurance though because we can cope paying for those. If we couldn't I'd reappraise I guess.
My mum gave DS kindermusik classes for a term as a Christmas present. She was trying to save on postage (since buying it in Australia and paying international shipping on stuff you can get cheaper with free shipping in the US just didn't make sense).?