Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss


I saw your response to my post an hour or so ago and wanted to respond.

I am so so so very sorry for your loss. I do not believe that this is karma, and you are not being punished. These things, terrible life situations, just happen. They're a part of life. Life is not fair, but God is not life. He is not to blame for my miscarriage.

I did feel angry with God. Very angry. I told him I hated him through streams of tears one day. However, I came to realize that when I felt like He had abandoned me, He was there, crying with me (John 11:35). He has shown me His love and support and compassion through my friends and family.

I read a lot to process what I'm going through, and I found "Disappointment with God" by Philip Yancey and incredible book. It answered so many of my questions and really encouraged me. "The Shack" by William P. Young was also amazing. 

I really hope and pray that you are able to find a peace with God. Know that He loves you and is grieving with you. He loved your baby too, probably more than you ever could, and your baby is with Him now. Big hugs to you!

missed miscarriage began 04/08, ended 07/08 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFetus Ticker

Re: +MrsJulyBride+

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    Thank you so much for your response. I think I'll look into the books you suggested. And, I'm glad to know that beging angry with God doesn't make me a bad person. Again, I really appreciate you sharing and good luck to you when you do start TTC again.
    First BFP 9/7/08 - D&E at 11 weeks - Baby stopped developing at 6 wks 3 days BFP 12/23/08 - Natural miscarriage 1/6/09 BFP 05/11/09 - Ruptured Ecoptopic 5/23/09 at 5 weeks Our Beautiful Baby Girl arrived June 3, 2010 - She amazes us daily! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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