
What # does your DC skip, if any?

Alexander does very well with counting.  I have noticed though that he always skips 10.  He goes from 9 to 11 every time.

I remember other people talking about skipping numbers too, but I just noticed it this weekend.

Re: What # does your DC skip, if any?

  • DD skips 4 most of the time :)  1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!
  • She skips 13 and 15 every time, then starts reversing herself...

    1-10 are fine.  Eleven, twelve, fohteen, sixteen, eleventeen and then it just goes downhill from there LMAO

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  • imageisabella22:
    DD skips 4 most of the time :)  1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!

    4 must be the forbidden # or something ;P  DD skips that a lot.

    she also says "eleventeen" cute!

  • DD usually forgets 9-10, it's usually, "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8....THREE!"  (I think because we're always counting down, "1,2,THREE" - before something fun/exciting. 

    Also when she sings the alphabet she sings, "Q,R,S...Y and Z"

  • For the longest time, DD would skip 1 and 3.  She really loved two and would say it three times.  Then she started skipping from 5-7 going 1,2,3,4,8,9,10,11...  Then it was just 7.  Now (for the most part) she counts correctly.  I'm just having the worst time getting her to associate the objects with the numbers - like count the number of M&Ms you have.  She used to be able to just tell me she had three or whatever, but since her counting got better she tries to "count" them and just keeps going...
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