
15 weeks and have only gained 5 pounds

I'm kind of nervous about this.  I have been eating more lately but in the past 3...almost 4 weeks I have not gained anything.  I gained 5 pounds by 12 weeks and now since then nothing.  :( I am plus size to begin with, but I just hope the babies are getting enough in there.  I had really bad m/s from about 8 weeks till 14 weeks. 

Re: 15 weeks and have only gained 5 pounds

  • I was losing weight because of the m/s until 17 weeks. I still managed to gain over 60 lbs and have babies that were 7.6 and 7.8 at almost 38 weeks. Don't sweat it. Just eat healthy - lots of protein.
  • I'm only 10 wks and have lost so far. My sister had twins & only gained 27lbs. She ate so healthy and all the time, they just sucked it all up! They were good sized too 5.10 & 5.13. Don't worry just keep eating healthy:)
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  • Yeah, I wouldn't worry yet at this point since you're just past the morning sickness phase. Just keep eating healthy with plenty of protein as a pp mentioned; you still have plenty of time to gain.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I was the same way until probably around the same time, then my weight definitely caught up with me!  If you are worried, ask your dr at your next appt.
  • I had bad m/s from 6 weeks until 14 weeks and lost about 8 lbs.  I probably regained that by around 20 weeks.  I gained 34 lbs altogether (including the 8 lbs I lost and regained) and my girls were 5.13 and 6.11 at 38.5 weeks.  I am also on the heavier side so I'm sure that had something to do with not gaining a lot but just try to eat whenever you are hungry and as healthy as possible.  I wasn't super strict about my diet and I lost all of my weight by 2 weeks pp.  I'm sure your doctor would say something if they were concerned.  You're doing great! 
  • Don't worry about it!  I gained a lot of weight early on (but I was very petite to start with) 20 weeks I had gained 20 lbs! Then I went on a long stretch where I barely gained any weight, and now in the past week I started gaining slowly again. I was worried I hadn't gained enough either, but my OB assured me it was fine and that most women gain too much weight.  You will go through spurts when your babies are growing more rapidly.

    Just try to eat as well as you can and get some exercise..that can be critical.

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