At 31 weeks, 5 days, I was admitted to the hospital because I was having contractions every 3 minutes. After 4 days there, none of the medicine was doing anything to stop them, and my cervix wasn't doing anything so they sent me home. I'm now at 33 weeks, 1 day and still having regular contractions, with no changes to my cervix. Has this happened to anyone else? What are the chances that the babies will come early??
Re: Contractions at 32 weeks
I went in at 33 weeks contracting every 1-2 minutes but no cervical change. I spent 2 days there, given meds that didn't do much and sent home on Procardia. I was back in L&D 3 days later contracting every 2 minutes but no cervical change. You can contract for a long time and not have any cervical change. Did the doctor give you parameters for when to come back? Did they send you home on medication or bed rest?
I am now 36 weeks 1 day and contract off/on but have not had any pattern to them since I left the hospital. So it's hard to know if you may start dilating from the contractions or you may make it to full term. If the doctor didn't give you any guidance, I would be calling to find out what they want you to do! Good luck!
12dp5dt: 765; 15dp5dt: 1979; 17dp5dt: 3379...TWINS!!!!!
Our perfect baby boys were born at 36w1d!!