March 2013 Moms

Lower back pain

I had on LO on March 25 so she is 4 months old this week. I was wondering if any other mommies are having lower back pain. If I exercise it hurts if I don't it hurts. Just wondering if this is normal? Any suggestion on how to help with this??

Thanks!Big Smile

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Re: Lower back pain

  • I've noticed mine is from how I hold LO. I end up sinking into my lower back which causes I lot of pressure. I teach yoga 3 times a week so I know that I'm hurting my back and I know what's causing it, so I try to straighten out when I hold him, engaging my glutes and lower abs so I'm not leaning back so much when he's in my arms.

    Also, on an easing it note. Get someone to watch or hold LO for a bit and lay on the floor with your legs straight up against a wall for about 5 minutes. It gets all the pressure out of your back and it's good for your overall circulation.
  • I've had terrible sciatica for years and especially during pregnancy. After my c section it was better, up until a few weeks ago. 17 wks pp. It's been pretty bad. I wondered if It's bc my Lo weighs more now.
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  • Yep! My lower back and hips were always so sore. I looked into my insurance and it covers 20 chiropractor visits, and I just went to my first one. I feel a lot better! In definitely going to keep going because the relief has been amazing. If you have insurance, check it out.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Yeah, I have sometimes. It's usually on days when I pick up Jake a lot and put him down in his bassinet. I'm putting added stress on my back when putting him down because I sustain my leaning position so I can put him down slowly (too quickly and he wakes up).

  • When ever I bend over it hurts. When I lay on my side my back hurts sometimes too.
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