
26 weeks, 3 days, and counting!

My first son was born at 33 weeks, second was 31 weeks...I am currently 26 weeks and counting every day!  I am feeling fine for now, so we'll see how far I get.  I figure anything past 30 weeks is a good start!!
Mom to 4 boys under age 6 Evan, Darren, Liam & Isaac

Re: 26 weeks, 3 days, and counting!

  • Everyday is progress! I hope you go two week over =)

    Do they know why your other children came early?

  • No idea! Things were going well, and then they decided to come very quickly!!
    Mom to 4 boys under age 6 Evan, Darren, Liam & Isaac
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  • Are you recieving the P17 shots? My DD was born at 34 weeks, and I am not at 35 weeks 3 days, I am now breaking through the contraction meds, so i am thinking anyday, but I am so glad I made it this far. I give the P17 shots all the credit!
  • Congratulations!  In canada we don't have the shots, but I am taking progesterone suppositories.  Hopefully between that and being off work, things will go well!! All the best to must be great to pass the date of your first one!
    Mom to 4 boys under age 6 Evan, Darren, Liam & Isaac
  • What great news! Stay in little baby and keep cooking! I had my DS at 24w6d and I am just now 35 weeks. I really can not believe it, but I am thrilled to be where I am at! :) Good luck!
    DS Tyler 07.08.05 - Born at 24w6d
    DD Brooke 12.16.08
    DS Thomas Ryan, born still on 01.23.13 at 19w3d
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