I'm 31 wks along with didi twins and I found out yesterday after having testes that I have traces or protien in my urine and preeclampsia ;
I'm now In hospital until I deliver.
Twin a is 1.9 kg
Twin b is 949 grams
Had a scan done yesterday twin b still putting on weight and now shows positive blood flow to the placenta after having my second lot of steriods.
So the c section has been put back a week .. this was before I found out I had preeclampsia .
Has anyone else been through this similar situation ? How far on did you go before you delivered with you preeclampsia ?
Re: Preeclampsia with didi twins
I was monitored v closely, but in the end, my water broke at 34w and my pre e symptoms never got worse.
If my water hadnt broken, idk how much farther I would have been able to go. Pre e can escalate quickly, but mine seemed to be the "slow burn" kind as I'd been having issues since 24w.