Cloth Diapering

Stripping? How often?

Just started CD and was wondering...what's your method of stripping your diapers and how do you know when you need to? I have figured out a good wash routine ( I far so good lol) but would also like to know what you all do! Every bit helps us newbies! Thank you!

Re: Stripping? How often?

  • You should only strip when you have a buildup/ammonia stink problem. There's no timetable for that since it could happen for every person at a different time (or it may never happen).

    A lot of mamas here recommend just hot water stripping: tons of hot water rinses.

    You can also strip with a tiny bit of blue dawn soap and rinse tons of times to get out all the suds.  

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  • I do a light stripping once a month because my LO has super sensitive skin.  Any buildup of soap or anything causes him to break out in horrible rashes.  So once a month I toss in a bit of bleach with all the CDs and all the liners.  Nothing else but hot water.  It's been helping quite a bit.
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