So yesterday we decided to take Reese to the beach--she hates the beach (the sand particularly) but is fascinated with kites.
Well, my husband was running with the kite, his hip went one way, his foot fell into a divet in the sand and completely threw out his back.
His has thrown out his back before, but never like this. We had to call an ambulance to get him off the beach. We got to the hospital at about 4pm, and they were super close to admitting him because all of the pain medicine they gave him wasn't helping the pain and he physically couldn't stand. But finally he managed to shuffle to the car at about 10 at night.
We have steps in our house, so he is sleeping on a mattress downstairs. Which means Reese has been flipping out ALL. DAY. today--she wants to play with Daddy and doesn't understand why she can't be downstairs except for meals. We had a party to go today--so at least I got her out of the house for a few hours.
They cats have been pissed that they have been locked in the basement the last 24 hours, because they would be climbing all over DH.
I need a drink.
Re: Kite-flying is dangerous
Our good family friend is an ortho doctor so he came to the house and did prescribe physical therapy and strengthening the core muscles. He did say bed rest and pain pills for 2 days. I think *fingers crossed* that DH should be able to manage the stairs tomorrow and head into our bedroom. This way the cats will be free from the basement AND we could pretend "daddy is at work"
He is still covered in sand from the beach.