um YES. I have been exhausted since the day I found out I was pregnant. About 3-4 weeks ago it took on a whole new meaning. Most days I am ready to go back to sleep about 2 hours after I get up. My toddler doesn't allow that to happen, but I would love to be able to! Only 9 more days and I will be severely exhausted from a 3 year old and 2 newborns. But I cannot wait!!
I could sleep all day long. Literally. I never feel fully awake and after lunch, I fight the sleep like crazy at work. I usually leave the office at 2:30 or 3 and come home to lay down. I often feel so tired I ache. It's like nothing I've ever experienced before.
I can certainly relate. I felt like a walking zombie for the whole first tri and into the second. I never got that full burst of energy during the second tri like I did with my first two pregnancies. Now Im in my 3rd trimester, almost 30w, and its exhaustion city again. Im sure this is nothing compared to the exhaustion I will feel once these boys come into the world.
Yes! I'm so tired all day and then fall asleep with dd at 8 and am usually up in the middle of the night like now with insomnia! I'm on a family vacation with my inlaws so I'm trying to hide it but it's hard. 7 hours at sea world almost killed me today lol.
ugh - YES! I was so exhausted during the first tri and into the second - I left work early almost every day. I seemed to have a brief reprieve around weeks 20-24 where I was able to make it through a work day and managed to get a little bit of housework done ect., and then it hit me like a ton of bricks again recently. I'm still working but I have NOTHING left in me by the time I come home.
Re: Exhaustion!