Cloth Diapering

Quitting CD due to yeast infections?

Hi CD Mommas,

I've not posted to the CD board, but I've been CD since DS was 4 months (he'll be three in Sept.), and I've done a search, but not found an answer to this issue.

I think we have to quit CD due to several problems. We're almost ready for PT, and now that he's older and his liquid intake is so much more, we've been struggling with yeast infections and general yukkiness for his boy parts; I think just due to really wet diapers from overnight and nap time (we do prefolds with liners).

We've had to see a pediatric urologist, deal with topical ointments ... he healed and was fine for a week and now we're right back to where we started symptom-wise. 

Has anyone else every had to or heard of having to switch to disposables because of this?  I LOVE my cloth diapers, I don't want to give them up. We are almost ready for PT, but I'm due with lo number two in the next few weeks, so I know starting up now isn't super realistic!


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Re: Quitting CD due to yeast infections?

  • OMG. I'm so ignorant that any of this could happen ... I've not stripped them; any favorite non-bleach products for stripping? (Did that once post stomach bug, and some of my prefolds didn't do so well.)
    BFP 8/12/12 m/c 8/19/12 BFP 12/1/12 EDD 8/11/13

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  • TJ1979TJ1979 member

    OMG. I'm so ignorant that any of this could happen ... I've not stripped them; any favorite non-bleach products for stripping? (Did that once post stomach bug, and some of my prefolds didn't do so well.)

    I can't remember exactly what has worked well for others so hopefully someone else will weigh in.  I think it involves super hot water, tea tree oil, and grapefruit extract but I don't have the amounts written down. 

    50 drops of each.

    How did your prefolds not do well with bleach? I thought they were much more forgiving that way?
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  • imageedenrivers:
    OMG. I'm so ignorant that any of this could happen ... I've not stripped them; any favorite non-bleach products for stripping? (Did that once post stomach bug, and some of my prefolds didn't do so well.)

    How much bleach did you use? I think you're only supposed to use 1/2 to 1/4 cup, but I've always been told to use bleach to kill yeast (although we haven't encountered that problem yet.)


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  • Is your son on any creams/ointments now?


    I had to kill yeast out of prefolds when DS1 was around 5-6 months old. 

    I used this resource and have never had a problem since....

    sorry it's not clicky.

     What we did when we were actively treating the yeast rash - he wore prefolds, had lots of sun and air time and used the lortimin cream with liners. The first week I think 2 of our CD laundry washes we used bleach.  All washes for approx a month we used GSE and I think I did do one or two more bleach washes too just to make sure every single diaper got treated since we only were treating what was dirty rather than wash the entire stash.  (hope that makes sense). He cleared up within a week and I continued using the GSE pretty regularly and used the CJ + spritz to keep yeast away.  I started doing probiotics for him whenever he went onto antibiotics and with GSE in the wash to help keep his body in balance and would use the CJ + after each bowel movement. Luckily he never had any reinfection, and with 2 in diapers it made sense so they wouldn't accidently cross infect each other when one or the other was on antibiotics this past winter.  Bleach never ruined any of our prefolds, we were using thirsties covers and BG 4.0s with inserts. I never had any running of colors or white spots, I bleached the BGs 1x and then kept him out of those diapers until he was rash free for 2 weeks. 


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  • If you use traditional bleach, use only, 1/2 cup in a full load of water.  Most are concentrated now though so use only 1/4 if it is concentrated.  Start the water (hot) pour in bleach and then let it fill with water all the way so the bleach can get diluted.  That may have been your issue before.  If bleach is not diluted it will eat away at the fabric.  And then do a rinse and dry then wash rinse dry as regular a couple more times to make sure you get the bleach out fully.
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  • I did just a few hot water rinses on my diapers first, a full cycle with about 75 drops of grapefruit seed extract and then I stripped with RLR, since I do that once a month anyways and it was time.
  • If he is having serious issues, I would go straight to the 1/4 cup bleach as per your machine's instructions. Poor baby. :[
    Chad and Fawn

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  • I would also make sure to wash at the hottest temp your washer will go to, and dry on high. Bleach and heat are the only things that kill yeast. From what I remember the extra drops of TTO or GSE will kill the spores and help prevent the yeast from coming back.

    yeast is a pain, but you shouldn't have to quit! 

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  • Thanks ladies! Poor guy was on antifungal/steroid for two weeks &u off for one week when we saw new blisters. He's better now. I did strip w/ 1/4 cup of bleach ... so far the prefolds look ok. Last time I bleached, a few, not all of the prefolds came out looking worn, like the bleach ate away at them.
    We're gonna restart the cloth & keep an eye on him.
    BFP 8/12/12 m/c 8/19/12 BFP 12/1/12 EDD 8/11/13

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