I should apologize right away, but I figure some of you have had a similar experience so wanted some advice.
My hubby and I did IVF, so were advised to refrain from sex for a few weeks prior to the transfer, then we were both nervous for a while even after a couple positive pregnancy tests, then I was nauseous, then suffering horrible, horrible headaches...well to put it plainly, we hadn't had sex since February sometime. (I know, it was a long time, but with nerves and anxiety and then feeling horrible, it just wasn't a good thing to have happen)
We did finally "do the deed" this weekend, on Saturday night to be exact. There was no pain, I was on top so was able to make sure everything felt ok, no discomfort. Anyway, I woke up Sunday with some "bleeding". Nothing heavy and it's definitely not red, more like the ugly brown discharge others have talked about. I have worn a pad since Sunday morning and there isn't anything showing up there, but when I wipe I still have that brown discharge. I have had no pain, no twinges, no cramping, nothing but this brown discharge when I wipe. Is this normal? Like I said, it had been since February so I'm sure there was some very minor trauma, if you want to call it that, but nothing I'd normally be concerned about. However, being pregnant with twins makes me wonder, which is why I come to you ladies.
I'm sorry if there's some inappropriate details, I'm not trying to be vulgar, just thought those details may help with your answer. Thanks!
Re: Embarassing, somewhat detailed question
Don't worry- it's definitely not inappropriate to ask! If you are concerned, I'd give your doctor a call. Peace of mind is always nice during twin pregnancy. However, I can guarantee you, one of the first things they will ask when you report any bleeding will be if you had sex. I had bright red bleeding on and off through 2nd tri due to placenta previa and they ALWAYS asked.
And, don't feel bad about the lapse in sex. We didn't do it from the start of stims (early January) to nearly three months post partum (December). And, when I was nursing, we only did it a handful of times. So normal to have a long lapse!
12dp5dt: 765; 15dp5dt: 1979; 17dp5dt: 3379...TWINS!!!!!
Our perfect baby boys were born at 36w1d!!