
Birthday Party Gifts from twins

Just wondering what everyone does as far as birthday party gifts.  LOs will be attending their first party and I am not sure if I buy one gift or two.  What does everyone else do? 

Re: Birthday Party Gifts from twins

  • anakahanakah member
    My twins just turned 2.  We've been doing one nicer gift from the both of them. 
  • Ugh, I'm not sure!  At Christmas, we give each kid in a family their own gift, no matter how many kids we have (one before the girls came along). 

    But birthdays....  I would maybe have each kid give a gift, but maybe something related, like a doll, from one child, and an accessory for the doll from the other child.  If there was something more spendy that I knew would be appreciated, I'd probably make it a family gift.  I kind of hope they end up with their own friends and I don't have to deal with two gifts to one kid, but I somehow doubt it, especially while younger.

    TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption! 


    Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!

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  • I will give one nicer gift or perhaps a gift and a book from each twin. I'm a reading specialist
  • We give 1 gift as a family


  • We've only had one so far, since my girls are so young, but my plan will be the same. I take whatever I would spend on the child if I only had one LO (close friends might be more than, say, a DC classmate) and double it to determine my approximate budget. Either they'll get one larger gift or a couple of (probably related) smaller ones, depending on what I find.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • If it is a friend party I bring a gift from each child.  Especially if it's the kind of party where they charge per child.  Sometimes we'll do a bigger gift from both girls, but usually I just bring two presents.
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