
You cant win

I just have to laugh. My poor DH has been put through the ringer this pregnancy with me. I chalk it up to double the hormones. Maybe this will convince him to go to the urologist for an appointment. Haha. My story...

I was huge when I was pregnant with my DD, first pregnancy. At the time I didnt think I was but looking back at pictures, I was. All over. Flash forward to my second pregnancy, DS, and I didnt gain all over but my belly was big. My MIL used to make comments all the time about how big I was and this and that...mostly for my 2nd pregnancy she would tell me how big my belly was and ask me, "Are you sure there is only 1 in there?" I laughed it off but she made me feel really bad about myself.

Now, Im prego with twins. In the beginning she kept making comments about how big I was already and how I had to watch my weight and blah blah blah. Lady, Im pregnant with twins, 2 more of your grandchildren, enough already. In all honesty, she was saying this stuff and I had maybe gained 4 lbs up to that point. I had enough at one point and broke down to DH and told him that I was gonna end up saying something to his mom. He must have beat me to the punch because she suddenly stopped with her comments. More recently shes been saying that I "look so good" and that Im "all belly". Almost over doing it in the complete oppposite direction.

Im just about 30w now and keep hearing how "good" I look, I certainly dont feel it, and how Im "not as big as I thought you would be". Not only from her but from other relatives and people who know nothing about my feeling bad about what MIL had been saying. Now, all I want to hear from people is how huge I am...I am carrying twins afterall. Lol. This is why Im recently thankful for all of the comments I get from strangers about how I look like Im ready to go at any minute, ect.

My poor husband doesnt know what to say to me. Hahah.
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