
Buying for twins advice?

What "stuff" is REALLY necessary? I don't want to overdo it and so I wanted to get opinions from those who have done it?

By necessary I mean, things that ultimately made your lives easier by having.  Many baby items you buy and they sit collecting dust.

Do we need 2 swings? 2 cribs? extra clothes? etc etc etc ..

 Thanks :))))

1st FET 2/14/2013 Happy Valentines Day! - BFN
2nd FET 6/14/2013
- BPF!!! -
1st Beta:
1046!!!!! - 2nd Beta: 2754!!!!!
First u/s 7/11/2013 - TWINS!!! 120 and 124 heartbeats <3
Second u/s
7/29/2013 - wiggley babies! 178 and 184 heartbeats!
Third u/s
9/9/2013 - 157 and 161 heartbeats ... a BOY and a GIRL!!!! Cervix on the "shorter side" (3-3.3) - going to check again in 2 weeks.
Fourth u/s 9/23/2013 - Baby A = 157 Baby B = 150 heartbeat. Cervix now 2.3-2.6 ... being referred to a MFM
MFM Appointment 9/26/2013 = Both babies healthy, cervix now measuring at 4 - Playing tricks on me ... will follow up in 2 weeks.
Cervical check 10/7 with regular OB - 2.1cm  --- going BACK to the MFM armed with ultrasound pictures from my OB of my cervix. *sigh*
MFM Appointment 10/8 - confirmed my cervix at 2.1cm - putting me on Progesterone for a week.
MFM Appointment 10/17 - Cervix unchanged! Keeping me on Progesterone - followup 10/29

  photo e8294769.jpgphoto 3a44b450.jpg

Everett Alan James (3lbs8oz) and Eliana Lee (3lbs7oz) born 12/28/13 at 30w6d!

Re: Buying for twins advice?

  • Well I'm still pregnant but this is what we've been doing-

    2 cribs as this will eventually be needed and we can more comfortably budget for 2 now.  

    1 travel/1 jiggle seat-we figured one of each to start and see who likes what and then we can adjust later one. Thankfully we have been given one of each from a neighbor for free. So if we get one at our shower we'll just hold onto it to see if it's needed, then maybe return for something else if we don't end up needing two. 

    Clothing wise I guess it depends on how much/often you want to do laundry. This again we've been fortunate for people to give us a bunch and then we've hit yard sales for a lot more-so it's super cheap and we can buy more than we would be able to at a store.  

    Good luck! 

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  • 2 cribs and 2 carseats.  You don't need the second crib right away.  My girls are still sharing as of now, but they are starting to move around so rolling isn't far off.  They'll need their own beds by then (4 months or so).

    I have the following and we use them all regularly:

    1 playgym, 2 swings (different styles, but both were borrowed from someone else), 1 RNP, 1 infant to toddler rocker/chair (more sturdy than a bouncy chair, but still has the vibration feature).  We have two PNP. One is our designated downstairs changing area and extra bibs, clothes and other supply area.  One lives in my room in case someone is sick or we take it for travel.  The girls slept in that one for the first month or so home before they moved to the crib.  You can totally get away with only one PNP though.  If I didn't already have the swings, and a bouncy chair (which we rarely use), I'd say just get one of each and if there is one of those things that they both really, really like, get a second then.  They'll only be using this stuff for the first year, then it collects dust.

    TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption! 


    Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!

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  • 2 cribs yes, two swings no. You probably won't need extra clothes either, especially in the smaller sizes. People LOVE to buy baby clothes as presents. We had more than we could use. 

    It's helpful having 2 highchairs (the cheap space saving kind that go on a chair are fine) and two Rock-n-plays (put them side by side and cross the bottom bars to rock both together!). A double stroller is good, and obviously 2 carseats. Pretty much everything else it was fine having just one, or even none.

    I learned that when it comes to baby gear less is more! It's almost harder having all that junk taking up space in your house, and it just makes for more to clean too.  

    Married 07.07.07. Mom to 3: Ruby 11/08 and Oliver & Austin 12/11
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