Cloth Diapering

upcycling wool sweaters

How easy is it? My mom is really good with fabrics, sewing, overall craftiness....and we've been talking about making some wool soakers.  Any advice or good websites for reference?
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Re: upcycling wool sweaters

  • The Katrina pattern is often mentioned. I have way too many projects and have not gotten a chance to try it out.
  • imagesarenu1:
    The Katrina pattern is often mentioned. I have way too many projects and have not gotten a chance to try it out.

    I have used the Katrina  pattern for both upcycled wool and fleece.  It is SUPER easy!  I can get a soaker cut out and sewn within 15 min. 

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  • imagePenelopeThusnelda:

    The Katrina pattern is often mentioned. I have way too many projects and have not gotten a chance to try it out.

    I have used the Katrina  pattern for both upcycled wool and fleece.  It is SUPER easy!  I can get a soaker cut out and sewn within 15 min. 

    oh awesome...that's great news.  Thanks so much!  I'm so excited to try it. (Not that I don't love shopping...but it's nice to upcycle something) 

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  • It is an awesome pattern and very easy to sew. The only thing I'd mention is that if you use felted sweaters, there is very little stretch. You'll need to size up from what you *think* you need considerably to make it fit over a fitted diaper.

     I know this from experience. My ds is 11 weeks old - about 13lbs. My small soakers don't fit at all and the medium one is a challenge to get on and off. Sad

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