
So much attention!

We go to our favorite restaurant about once a week. It's a family friendly smorgasbord and the food is so good! We went after church today and SIL and BIL's family happen to come in and sit right next to us. They have three boys, ages 7, 5 and 1. There was an unusual amount of strangers stopping by our table to ooh and aah over our twin girls. Albeit they were being well behaved and cute, I felt bad for SIL because no one stopped to compliment my nephews! No real point to this story, other than to say it's amazing how people are drawn to multiples!


Re: So much attention!

  • Well I'm sure they are adorable and angelic and deserve the attention. You SIL probably remembers when her kids were small and attracted that attention. It's the circle of life. lol
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    my baby you'll be."
  • I was sort of blown away at the gawking and moth to flame affect my twins had. I guess I just don't find them to be that much of a novelty but I have been physically barred in stores, restaurants, on walks! By people that want to look, ask questions.  I think the strangest thing is that I am asked by nearly everyone "Are they twins?"  Seriously. It's the most common question I get!  I think the intention is to ask if they are identical. 
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  • Mine are 2 1/2 and I thought the attention would fade by now. Nope. Still quite the show stoppers.

    We were walking through the mall the other day and I was laughing to myself at everyone we pass. Sometimes I smile and nod a "thanks" at people when they're commenting as we're walking by and sometimes I pretend like I don't see them staring and pointing the twins out to their friend, etc. Not that it ever gets tiring hearing such sweet things, but sometimes I feel like I should walk around smiling and doing the princess wave as we pass.

    I will admit, I am partly responsible for the attention since I do dress my girls alike and they are usually decked out from head to toe. That does seem to draw more attention, but I can't help it!

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  • I understand what you mean. I used to feel bad for DD when people would stop to admire my boys. Luckily most people were usually graceful enough to say hello to her too. 

    Now that I don't  usually have my twins in matching outfits they don't get quite as much attention. Now days I just hear a lot more of: "Wow, you sure have your hands full!" Yep. :)

    Married 07.07.07. Mom to 3: Ruby 11/08 and Oliver & Austin 12/11
  • It's so funny because even when the boys were little, I never got stopped if I only had two of them! And twins aren't that common here!
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  • I can't walk anywhere without getting stopped by people. I feel like I have my own little exhibit. We went to the zoo and we fit right in "Oh there's an elephant, cool a rhino, OH LOOK TWINS!" lol


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