I enjoyed the "you know you're pregnant with multiples when..." post the other day, so I thought it might be fun to do one for MoMs with outside babies.
Mine is you know you're a MoM when you don't even have time to drink water with your prenatal vitamin. You just choke those horse pills down dry.
Re: You know you're a MoM when...
When people ask if you have twins, then respond with how's that or I'm sorry. It's great. O live my babies thank you very much.
When "Oh yeah I was gonna go to the bathroom....3 hours ago" is a thought that regularly crosses your mind
When you can hold a bottle in a baby's mouth using your chin, knee, toe....
When you wish you got a dollar for every time you heard "Twins?" "Are they identical?" or "Double Trouble!" .....because then you wouldn't have to worry about paying two college tuitions!
When you get so sick of the comments out in public, but on the odd occasion when you do go out with just one child and get comments about your baby, you always end up mentioning that he/she is a twin....and get all the twin comments anyway.
Haha, yes! Why do we do this?
Haha, I like the coffee comment.
For me, it'd be you know you're a MOM when you've had 3 cups of coffee before 8am, and you're still tired!
You just summed up being a MoM in three lines. Pretty you sure you won this thread!
Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013
When you spend more time at Costco talking to strangers than shopping.
When you feel strangely lonely when you go out without the babies and no one talks to you.
When you are giddy to ONLY take one baby with you shopping.
When you realize that attachment parenting has its limits with multiples...and your kids will be just fine.
When you find out multiple times a day that everyone knows a twin and has to tell you about it.
When you also discover that people who have multiples tell you it'll get better, compared to those who don't who want to "try" for twins.
When you feel an instant bond to anyone else who does have twins.
When you realize you actually are SuperMom!
these are all great and I can totally relate! OMG, I'm a MoM!!!
The other day I was in the costco parking lot and a lady said "by chance are they twins?" I said, "no, they are 4 months apart." Her response, was they are so cute! Didn't even get it. LOL I felt pretty good about that one though. I do get annoyed by the public attention, but on the other hand I would rather have it this way than no kids at all!
Layla 01.08.12
Chloe and Vivian 07.23.13
My Gang. Halloween 2013
I was just telling my mom this the other day! We were at lunch and I took one of the girls to the restroom and a lady commented on her and I felt weird not mentioning the other baby. Even though I don't want to discuss the twin thing, I still felt obligated to "oh well, I have another one just like her."
....and when it's finger and toenail clipping time you say "1 down, 39 to go..."
That's awesome LOL
You get nominated for mom of the month of your Mom's group because you make twins look easy. That's because they don't see you running around cleaning, eating, showering and folding laundry as the babies sleep and have no idea what your house looks like