My twins are 7 months old, and sleep great through the night 10-11
hours. But naps are another story. They usually will only get 30 mins.
of sleep and then seems to be wide awake. I put them in their crib
sleepy but awake, most of the time they do not cry. Sometimes they will
fall right asleep and other times they will roll around, play, talk,
etc. (they sleep in separate cribs). This week I have not been getting
them up after the 30 min wake up time but leaving them in their crib to
go back to sleep. Most of the time they just play and after about 30
mins of that or more, they finally get mad and start to cry. I would
like to get at least a 1.5 hr nap with 2 naps during the day. So that
is how long I am leaving them in their cribs. I check on them, etc. but 9
times out of 10 they do not go back to sleep. I don't know if they
just don't need the sleep or if I am doing something wrong here, but I'm
sure you can understand my frustration. I need a break too and I know
they need their sleep. I guess what I am really wondering is if it is
unreasonable to leave them in their crib that long if they do not go
back to sleep? TIA!

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Re: sleep training for naps-need advise
Maybe it is the timing of the nap? They definitely still need naps. All 3 of mine still took 2 naps per day until just after 1 year and also slept through the night. Maybe yours are ready for only one nap. If so, they try making nap a little later if they are sleeping in late.
Videos of telling my family and husbands family that we are preggo...with twins!