
sleep training for naps-need advise

My twins are 7 months old, and sleep great through the night 10-11 hours.  But naps are another story.  They usually will only get 30 mins. of sleep and then seems to be wide awake.  I put them in their crib sleepy but awake, most of the time they do not cry.  Sometimes they will fall right asleep and other times they will roll around, play, talk, etc. (they sleep in separate cribs). This week I have not been getting them up after the 30 min wake up time but leaving them in their crib to go back to sleep.  Most of the time they just play and after about 30 mins of that or more, they finally get mad and start to cry.  I would like to get at least a 1.5 hr nap with 2 naps during the day.  So that is how long I am leaving them in their cribs. I check on them, etc. but 9 times out of 10 they do not go back to sleep.  I don't know if they just don't need the sleep or if I am doing something wrong here, but I'm sure you can understand my frustration.  I need a break too and I know they need their sleep.  I guess what I am really wondering is if it is unreasonable to leave them in their crib that long if they do not go back to sleep? TIA!
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Re: sleep training for naps-need advise

  • Maybe it is the timing of the nap?  They definitely still need naps.  All 3 of mine still took 2 naps per day until just after 1 year and also slept through the night.  Maybe yours are ready for only one nap.  If so, they try making nap a little later if they are sleeping in late.

  • They wake in the morning between 6-6:30 and start showing sleepy cues around 8:15-8:30.  They will go to sleep at that time, but only for the 30 mins most of the time.  I have thought about keeping them up longer to see what would happen.  Maybe I will give it a go and see what happens. I get so frustrated because mine are not following any of the patterns that the books or other ppl say they should be doing at their age.  I am a first time mom so I am probably just not getting the timing right.  Who knows!
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  • How old are they? We have hit several sleep regressions where our naps went AWOL, but they eventually got back on track.
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  • Sorry, just saw 7 months. Late 6 was a sleep regression for us. That's when we started moving am nap back and afternoon nap got shorter.
    *** Sisterwife with JenniferLuvsCandy! can't wait to meet your LO!***
    ***Congrats to Kristin15172004 on your adorable baby girl!***
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  • No advice here, just wanted to say we are going through the same thing! I feel for you. I am interested to see what replies you get!
    Twins November 2012!

  • for the most part they have almost always taken these short naps, so I'm not sure it is a regression.  But I can tell by the way they act during the day that they need longer naps. They always are so much more cheerful when they take a good, long nap of at least 1 hour.  Thank you for commenting, I appreciate the feed back.
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  • Do you set the environment as you would at night time?  We use a white noise app on the ipad and crank it up, turn on a fan, use room darkening shades (really important during the day) and a baby merlin magic sleepsuit.  I have one short sleeper and one long sleeper and we finally started getting our naps on track by putting them in their cribs and using all of our sleep tools.
  • Hi Jess, we put them in sleep sacs at night, but not during the day for naps.  Maybe I should give that a try.  I do all the other things you mentioned.  How loud is your white noise though? LOL I guess I can't say that I "crank it up". :-)
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  • I use the white noise app and we put on the "train ride" sound.  It's so strange, but I think my girls have been conditioned to be tired when we turn it for how's pretty loud.  I can hear them when they cry and they certainly can hear each other cry, but it drowns out talking.
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