We currently have some items from when DD was born that we kept. Bouncy seat, swing, doorway jumper, exersaucer, playmat, boppy, etc.
I'm looking at getting an original co-sleeper for them to sleep in next to me to "hopefully" make nursing easier. We are also looking at the Motorola video monitor, My Brest Friend Twin and an extra boppy. I'd love to get a Rock n Play because I've heard such great things about them (but is that necessary with all the items I already have?)
What are some Multiple must haves on top of what I already have? Things I NEED two of?
Re: Multiple must haves?
Multiple swaddle me blankets were a must in our house. We skipped the co sleeper because for the price of them, they would have been in it a month MAX before they were too big to share it, plus I was too paranoid to crib share so we just did two rock n plays next to our bed. One on each side so when I got up in the MOTN to nurse H could help me out after I got one baby situated and would hand me the other.
Two highchairs.
We have two exersaucers.
Two play mats.
We have the ibaby monitor and love it.
We got two boppy sleep lounger pillows.
They hated the bouncy seats but we had two.
We originally only bought one swing and they ended up loving it so we got another one.
I can't think of anything else.
02/10-low progesterone on 21 day bloodwork (5.2); on hold due to cyst
04/2010-9/2010 6 failed Clomid cycles with TI (unmonitored)=BFN 4/10 SA= perfect
8/10-HSG all clear
9/10-started seeing RE
10/10-Femara + TI= BFN
11/2010 through 2/2011 IUI #1-3 Femara + Ovidrel=BFN
03/2011 through 8/2011 BREAK CYCLES (had 8 babyshower to go to, house remodel, 30th b-day and College Graduation)
9/2011-Started back to RE, waiting on cycle due to it being late, and work travel had to hold off IUI #4 till 10/2011
10/2011- IUI #4 on hold due to cyst, 2 weeks BCP
11/2011- IUI #4 (11-21-2011?) Femara + Follistim + Ovidrel=Converted over to T.I. (NO Trigger) due to too many follicles=BFN
3 cysts due to follistim cycle
January 2012=IVF #1 cancelled and converted to IUI #4 due to dominant follicles=BFNN
IVF 1.2=??? on hold due to cysts, on hold w/o B.C. till they resolve
br> Aug 2012 IVF 1.2, cyst aspiration 8/7, ER8/16, Dr found Endometriosis in Left tube during ER ER:7, Fert 5, 5DT scheduled 8/21/2012, transfered 2 Blasts, hpt + 8/28/2012, beta 8/31/2012-BFP -21(chemical pregnancy
IVF #2 October 2012
ER 10/13/2012, 6R,5M,3F
10/15/12 ET:3dt 2 embies
+HPT 6dp 3dt.
1st beta 10/29/12 Positive 13dp 3dt=654
2nd Beta: 10/31/2012: 1,836
3rd beta 11/5/2012 (20dp 3dt:13,655
1st u/s 11/12/12 TWINS!!! 2nd u/s 11/26/12
We like having 2 boppys for bottle feeding and we LOVED LOVED LOVED our Rock N Plays. They napped and slept in them the first 5 months.
Also if you bother with a bottle warmer, you need 2.
I didn't even think of that. We have a Dr. Browns bottle warmer that I love. I didn't even think of needing two.