Hello Ladies.
Welcome to Friday PAL Checkin! This CheckIn is for everyone who is parenting after a loss. If you have an older child or a rainbow baby or both you are welcome to share here.
I hope everyone is having a good week. If anyone has any suggestions for questions, please don't be shy!
Where are you in your PAL journey?
What are some PAL challenges you have faced recently?
QOTW: How have you been dealing with the anxiety that comes with being a loss mom? Have you found anything that helps to lessen the anxiety?
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
Re: PAL CheckIn
Z just turned 17mo and we just stared TTC again.
What are some PAL challenges you have faced recently?
Things have actually been pretty good lately. We have gotten into a crazy, busy routine but a routine none the less.
Work sucks. I hate being away from him but I have a wonderful babysitter with a little guy just younger than Z. It's great that they get to play together all the time.
QOTW: How have you been dealing with the anxiety that comes with being a loss mom? Have you found anything that helps to lessen the anxiety?
Time has helped. I don't wake up every few hours to check on him anymore so I am getting more sleep. I am still scared for all the "accidents" out there that could happen but I know it is out of my control. DH accused me awhile ago of being too protective that I might as well wrap him in bubble wrap. Some things I will not budge on but other things I am learning to let go and relax. It is a work in progress.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
Hoping to give Z a living sibling some day soon...