Welcome to PGAL CheckIn!
I hope I find you all well and positive this week! If you have any questions you would like answered, please don't be shy! You can also ask the PAL ladies. Bake, little buns, bake!
How far along are you? What size fruit is your baby this week?
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones?
QOTW: Will/are you going to use your same maternity clothes from last time? Do you have any outfits that are just too emotionally painful to wear?
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
Re: PgAL CheckIn
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? I had an ultrasound today to rule out ectopic since I had bleeding the other day. But everything looks good and for now LO is snug as a bug. My next u/s is Aug 6th which will likely be my last with my RE.
QOTW: Will/are you going to use your same maternity clothes from last time? Do you have any outfits that are just too emotionally painful to wear? I will likely reuse the ones I had. My SIL gave me a huge tote of her old ones. It will be hard to wear my favorite ones, but I also plan to purchase some new ones as well.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? Just trying to get through these first few weeks when the threat of miscarriage is the highest. Since we couldn't see the HB yet I didn't get to see the u/s screen, so I'm looking forward to seeing my LO in a few weeks.
My Pregnancy/Parenting BLOG TTC since 5/2011, BFP #1 12/3/11, M/C 12/7/11 @ 4wks 2d. Began seeing RE Sep 2012. October 2012 Metformin 1500 mg= ovulation on CD34 BFP#2 11/14/12 9DPO, EDD 7/26/13, DX Gestational Diabetes @14 wks, our angel born sleeping 3/24/13 @ 22wks 2d. BFP #3 7/4/13 8DPO EDD 3/22/14, DX Gestational Diabetes @14 wks. started insulin @16 wks. Our rainbow, born 3/19/14 @ 39wks 6d., we're so in love!
I am 6w6d so a sweat pea and almost into the blueberry range.
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones?
Our first appt is today. I am just trying to pass the time until we go.
QOTW: Will/are you going to use your same maternity clothes from last time? Do you have any outfits that are just too emotionally painful to wear?
Yes. I had mostly been wearing maternity pants but still wearing regular shirts. The weekend before we lost Alice I had just bought more clothes, but never got a chance to wear them. Some I took back, but I kept some too and will wear them with this pregnancy.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
I am so anxious about our appt today. I am just trying to keep my anxiety I check and make it though our appt. I haven't seen my dr since my post partum check up after we lost Alice. I am sure that doesn't help my anxiety.
How far along are you? What size fruit is your baby this week?
22w1d - pomegranate (I think)
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones?
other than my weekly progesterone injection my next OB appt isn't until 8/8
QOTW: Will/are you going to use your same maternity clothes from last time? Do you have any outfits that are just too emotionally painful to wear?
Yeah. I don't really have too much in the way of maternity clothes. I work from home and hardly leave the house so there's no point to spending money on clothes I'll only wear for a short time. DH gets free shirts from work all the time so I wear those (he gets them in 2XL and bigger because he's a tall guy) and basketball shorts or yoga pants mostly.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
What items we need to get for Shelby and also how inconsiderate a lot of people are being without knowing it.
In memory of Corbin Scott 10/28/11-12/3/11. Heaven got another angel the night you left this world behind Heaven got a little better the day it took you away from me Missing you tonight, see you again sometime For now I'll close my eyes and dream of heaven tonight I'll love you forever I'll like you for always Now and Forever My baby you'll be
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? Julian's birthday is this Monday.
QOTW: Will/are you going to use your same maternity clothes from last time? Do you have any outfits that are just too emotionally painful to wear? I am using some of the same clothes, but have started to buy some new ones because 1) the season is different, 2) I'm a size or two smaller than when I was pregnant the first time, 3) I had borrowed a lot of the clothes I wore last time and 4) I just can't bring myself to wear some outfits (I also can't bring myself to donate them, which feels like such a waste).
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? I don't want to just "get through" the next few days. I want to take time to feel whatever I feel and deal with it in a way that works for me. Also, I kind of wonder if many of our friends/family will remember or aknowledge Julian's birthday on Monday. A few of those who are very close to us already have, which I appreciate so much.
How far along are you? What size fruit is your baby this week? 9 weeks, grape.
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? Nothing until July 30th
QOTW: Will/are you going to use your same maternity clothes from last time? Do you have any outfits that are just too emotionally painful to wear? I dont have any that I was particularly attached to, so I will wear them again.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? This pregnancy (physically, symptoms) is very different that Elsie's was. Im thankful, because it reminds me that this is a different baby. But I am also concerned that something is going wrong earlier. PGaL fears I suppose.
How far along are you? What size fruit is your baby this week? I'll be 13 weeks on Sunday - no size of the fruit. But holy moly...first tri is almost over!
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? I was transferred to my MFM doctor since I have an SCH and my current OB is out of the country until August. I see him on July 29 and am praying that my SCH has shrunk by that point. I see my regular OB again on August 6.
QOTW: Will/are you going to use your same maternity clothes from last time? Do you have any outfits that are just too emotionally painful to wear? I'll wear them again; I'm not particularly attached to any of my maternity clothes. My seasons are off [Devon was due in September, and this baby is due in January], so I'll need new clothes. I do have some left from when I was pregnant with my first - he was a December baby - so I can reuse some of those clothes.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? I'm terrified that things aren't looking good, even though I saw a bouncing, active baby at my last u/s almost two weeks ago. I've never had an early loss, but my PgAL brain just keeps going back to that possibility. I'm trying to stay calm and enjoy this pregnancy, though, because I just feel differently this time [if that makes sense]. I spent most of my last pregnancy convinced I would lose Devon...and while I thought it would be a miscarriage and not a stillbirth, I did still lose him. I don't have that sense of dread this time around.
Am I allowed to post here? I just took a test this evening at 10dpo and got a BFP. I thought all hope was lost since I got a BFN this morning, but figured I'd take another test just for good measure.
Anyway, I have no relevant appointments coming up (won't be able to call my doctor until Monday!). No idea what size fruit this is, since it's still so early.
If I'm lucky enough to make it far along enough, I'll be re-using my maternity clothes. Many of my clothes are from my first pregnancy, so I don't really have many emotions tied to them. I will, however, have to get rid of the outfit I was wearing when I found out I lost June - that one definitely has bad memories associated with it.
I'm feeling every single emotion possible right now: excitement, happiness, guilt, fear, anxiety, hunger
It feels very surreal and I can't believe it, but at the same time, it also feels really heavy and I'm just trying to figure out how to process all these emotions.
Thanks for listening, ladies! I'm glad to read all your posts and learn about the PgAL journey.
5 weeks 4 days, Appleseed.
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones?
Nothing until the 31.
QOTW: Will/are you going to use your same maternity clothes from last time? Do you have any outfits that are just too emotionally painful to wear?
I think I will get new ones. All mine I gave away and they hurt still looking at them.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
Wishing this baby will make it home. I don't even worry about the first trimester since I lost her at 38 weeks.
How far along are you? What size fruit is your baby this week?
When this was asked it was plum, but yesterday we became a Peach! I'm 13wks 1day
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones?
I had a scheduled MFM appointment today. And was told everything is looking "normal" this pregnancy. I wanted to cry! Also last sunday, I passed the point where I began to bleed last pregnancy, so my anxiety levels have dropped, somewhat.
QOTW: Will/are you going to use your same maternity clothes from last time? Do you have any outfits that are just too emotionally painful to wear?
Yes I will definitely wear the same maternity clothes as last time, since a) they are the same season, b) maternity clothes are just too darn expensive and c) they were all cute items. I may not wear the last outfit I was pregnant in again but I will wear the pieces separately.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
I was diagnosed with GD so this week I am going to find out the next steps in terms of management and nutritional counseling. Besides that I am working up the courage to actually tell people beyond my SO and parents about being KU... that thought terrifies me
How far along are you? What size fruit is your baby this week?
I just tested on Sunday and got a BFP! I am only a little over four weeks. I don't think I am going to do the fruit tracking this time around.
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones?
No! I am changing doctors and the new doctors office does not have any openings for new patients until September 4th! That is like forever away! So I asked to be placed on a list to get called if they get a cancellation but I think I will still call at least a couple of times a week to check.
QOTW: Will/are you going to use your same maternity clothes from last time? Do you have any outfits that are just too emotionally painful to wear?
I did not really buy much last time so I will probably increase the wardrobe this time around. Idk if I will wear everything I already had again though.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
I am feeling mixed emotions about everything right now. In one moment I feel so blessed and excited about having another opportunity to carry a child and birth him/her into the world, but the very next moment I am scared out of my mind. I am trying to stay faithful and trust God in everything. I just pray that this pregnancy healthy and successful, and that I am able to bring my baby home in my arms this time around.