I'm sorry you've been sick. I hope you're feeling better :[ I'm in the same boat, but my kid is sick. I spent the entire day in my recliner, with her in my arms, while I bumped.
Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto: We welcome to you the board with open legs. Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess
I haven't been sleeping at night. Damn you Nick at Nite! And as a result, since I am a SAHM during the summer; my daughter has been watching Finding Nemo every morning in bed with me. She is also eating her breakfast ib bed with me. I seriously start to function about an hour after she gets up.
I am planning on holding out on DH until he gets it through his head that I am overwhelmed with working 40+ hours, taking care of DDs all by myself, trying to clear out my mom's house, and settle her estate. Then, on the weekends, when I feel he should do the majority of the parenting he didn't do during the week, he thinks it should be 50/50.
No, I just took care of them for 5 days straight while you got to work out, get your dry cleaning, run errands for yourself, watch tv, etc. I'm going to go walk around Target. By myself. Or you aren't getting laid. Ever.
I signed up to do some special music at our new church this summer. I really don't want to do it now, and the only reason I am is because it's the only way to get MH off my case. Every time he gets a new director of music position, he insists that I have to sing within a couple months, and won't stop bugging me until I just do it. He's also making a big deal out of this, and I don't like that. I'm regretting signing up at all, but there's no way to back out now.
I could lend you my voice. He would never make you sing again.
I have Trichotillomania. When I'm really anxious, I pull on my eyebrows. They currently have areas of balding patches from pulling this week.
I did this when I was younger. I didn't know there was a name for it. I had almost no eyelashes at one point. My mom was so embarrassed of me. (((hugs)))
I have Trichotillomania. When I'm really anxious, I pull on my eyebrows. They currently have areas of balding patches from pulling this week.
Do you touch them to your lips? I had a friend who did that all the time around me.
No, I rub them back and forth, roll the hair, and pull sometimes when it doesn't feel right. I feel weird typing it out.
You shouldn't feel weird. When I get anxious, I feel like I am going to throw up, and I dig my nails into my skin so the pain overwhelms the nausea. DH will pick my arm up and see little moon shaped scabs, and shake his head.
I have Trichotillomania. When I'm really anxious, I pull on my eyebrows. They currently have areas of balding patches from pulling this week.
I did this when I was younger. I didn't know there was a name for it. I had almost no eyelashes at one point. My mom was so embarrassed of me. (((hugs)))
Aww, how sad for you. I'm sorry :[
Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto: We welcome to you the board with open legs. Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess
Today is The Walking Dead day at Sand Diego Comic Con. I have a very, very lucky friend who won in a raffle to be one of only 50 people admitted into the autograph session. We fangirl HARD over Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes), obvs from my siggy. She is about to meet him in a few hours. This will probably be my least productive day ever.
I have Trichotillomania. When I'm really anxious, I pull on my eyebrows. They currently have areas of balding patches from pulling this week.
Do you touch them to your lips? I had a friend who did that all the time around me.
No, I rub them back and forth, roll the hair, and pull sometimes when it doesn't feel right. I feel weird typing it out.
dont feel weird. When I am anxious, I bite off all the skin around my cuticles. It is disgusting, and my hands never look nice. Whenever I have to let my kid cry it out, I basically lay in bed listening to the monitor eating my hands. I have done it forever, and can't stop
Today is The Walking Dead day at Sand Diego Comic Con. I have a very, very lucky friend who won in a raffle to be one of only 50 people admitted into the autograph session. We fangirl HARD over Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes), obvs from my siggy. She is about to meet him in a few hours. This will probably be my least productive day ever.
I hope she gets him to sign her boobs. Is Norman Reedus going to be there?
I have Trichotillomania. When I'm really anxious, I pull on my eyebrows. They currently have areas of balding patches from pulling this week.
Do you touch them to your lips? I had a friend who did that all the time around me.
No, I rub them back and forth, roll the hair, and pull sometimes when it doesn't feel right. I feel weird typing it out.
dont feel weird. When I am anxious, I bite off all the skin around my cuticles. It is disgusting, and my hands never look nice. Whenever I have to let my kid cry it out, I basically lay in bed listening to the monitor eating my hands. I have done it forever, and can't stop
DH eats his cuticles. He also picks at the cuticles on his toes. Barf. I can handle the fingers; we all have our tells, but the toes???
I have no patience with our dog since we had DS. He's seriously anasshole. Like, if we leave the house after dinner to do anything other than take him on a walk, he'll shiit in the playroom. His whole life is a quest to eat trash, too, half of which he leaves scattered in the floor. It's hard enough for me to be patient with a toddler, all my patience reserves are tapped out when it comes to the damn dog.
I have to constantly tell myself I really do love him. Then I feel like a diick. At least he's cute.
DS is 1DAF
"I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
I have Trichotillomania. When I'm really anxious, I pull on my eyebrows. They currently have areas of balding patches from pulling this week.
I did this when I was younger. I didn't know there was a name for it. I had almost no eyelashes at one point. My mom was so embarrassed of me. (((hugs)))
I'll start. I was very, very sick this week. To the point the urgent care doctor suggested I go to the ER last night. As a result, I've hardly watched my kids this week, and I'm a SAHM. My house was trashed for DH to come home to and clean, and I pretty much just let the kids run wild and have a shiiitton of electronics time. I didn't really have an alternative, but I still feel guilty, so I'm throwing it out here. Thankfully, although I'm not completely better, I feel much better today.Here, Missy. You can have it. I Camp;Ped over here.nbsp;
My kid has been a cranky, fussy, clingy mess lately...but its been tolerable. Though, the last few nights he's been fighting bedtime like crazy, pretty much screaming his head off for a good 20 to 30 minutes, even with me or dh comforting him, before he falls asleep. I use tylenol or motrin when necessary, but prefer not to give it too much.
Anywho...DS has now started rolling over in his crib. When I found him sleeping on his belly at 530 this morning, I flipped him over. That apparently started WW3 and he screamed his head off again. I got so fed up from being just plain tired that I lost my cool, raised my voice a little, and said ''just relax and go the f'uck back to sleep!''.
He eventually flipped back onto his belly and fell back asleep. I feel like a horrible mom for not having more patience. He's only a baby.
I have one that's actually flammable. It doesn't happen to me often, but if I got undercharged or not charged at all for an item at a store, I wouldn't go back to the store to alert them to the mistake. I would just think I was having a good day, and go on my merry way.
I can't get the ticker to work, but I have two sons:
Today is my last day at my job. I have been here almost 6 years. When I told them 2 weeks ago they seemed ok with me leaving. I have practically ran their business for the last 6 years I know that they want me to feel like they are happy for me since they are smaller (family owned) and I am moving on to a bigger company that I can have more opportunities with and retire from, but a part of me is sad that no one asked if there was something that they could do or that no one seems sad (besides my co-worker) that I am leaving. I realize that I am being bratty, but I thought we had a better relationship than we did.
Also I plan on doing nothing today, but bumping and cleaning out my favorites here at work and emailing them to me so that I have them at home!
I have one that's actually flammable. It doesn't happen to me often, but if I got undercharged or not charged at all for an item at a store, I wouldn't go back to the store to alert them to the mistake. I would just think I was having a good day, and go on my merry way.
Yep I'm totally with you
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My kid has been a cranky, fussy, clingy mess lately...but its been tolerable. Though, the last few nights he's been fighting bedtime like crazy, pretty much screaming his head off for a good 20 to 30 minutes, even with me or dh comforting him, before he falls asleep. I use tylenol or motrin when necessary, but prefer not to give it too much. Anywho...DS has now started rolling over in his crib. When I found him sleeping on his belly at 530 this morning, I flipped him over. That apparently started WW3 and he screamed his head off again. I got so fed up from being just plain tired that I lost my cool, raised my voice a little, and said ''just relax and go the f'uck back to sleep!''. He eventually flipped back onto his belly and fell back asleep. I feel like a horrible mom for not having more patience. He's only a baby.
Leave him on his belly.
I would back out of the room verrry slowly, and not wake the sleeping baby.
My kid is 3 now and I'm still horrified at the thought of potty training. he's readybut im going to let my mom take care of it while he's at the beach with her next week. whatevah.
I wish I could hire someone to deal with PTing my kid when she's ready. I'm not looking forward to doing it at all.
Same here. With DS' language delay, I just feel like we're light years away from being ready. He doesn't even have words for poop and pee yet or tell us when he needs a new diaper.
I wish people would mind their own business about transitions like these. I feel like everyone we've talked to in the past month or so has casually asked us when we're potty training. I'm sure by the time he's three our parents will be full-on pestering us about it. ::sigh::
I am making a cross country trip to say a final goodbye to my grandmother in August. She has esophageal cancer and isn't taking any treatment at all. I'm very sad to be making the trip, but so grateful she saw DS a couple of months ago and enjoyed him every time she did see him. I am also feeling very blessed that I can even go out there once more.
All that being said, a big (ish) part of me is all " 4 days without a toddler??? And to see my mom, who will take care of me all day?? H3LLLLL yes." And then I feel bad:/
I have Trichotillomania. When I'm really anxious, I pull on my eyebrows. They currently have areas of balding patches from pulling this week.
I did this when I was younger. I didn't know there was a name for it. I had almost no eyelashes at one point. My mom was so embarrassed of me. (((hugs)))
I had to look this up, but ::hugs:: for both of you.
There is nothing to be embarrassed about. It's not something you can help. And we all have weird habits that other people don't know about.
My kid has been a cranky, fussy, clingy mess lately...but its been tolerable. Though, the last few nights he's been fighting bedtime like crazy, pretty much screaming his head off for a good 20 to 30 minutes, even with me or dh comforting him, before he falls asleep. I use tylenol or motrin when necessary, but prefer not to give it too much. Anywho...DS has now started rolling over in his crib. When I found him sleeping on his belly at 530 this morning, I flipped him over. That apparently started WW3 and he screamed his head off again. I got so fed up from being just plain tired that I lost my cool, raised my voice a little, and said ''just relax and go the f'uck back to sleep!''. He eventually flipped back onto his belly and fell back asleep. I feel like a horrible mom for not having more patience. He's only a baby.
Leave him on his belly.
I would back out of the room verrry slowly, and not wake the sleeping baby.
That's what I ended up doing. But ugh..I feel horrible for losing my patience.
My kid is 3 now and I'm still horrified at the thought of potty training. he's readybut im going to let my mom take care of it while he's at the beach with her next week. whatevah.
I wish I could hire someone to deal with PTing my kid when she's ready. I'm not looking forward to doing it at all.
Same here. With DS' language delay, I just feel like we're light years away from being ready. He doesn't even have words for poop and pee yet or tell us when he needs a new diaper.
I wish people would mind their own business about transitions like these. I feel like everyone we've talked to in the past month or so has casually asked us when we're potty training. I'm sure by the time he's three our parents will be full-on pestering us about it. ::sigh::
Who cares if you are PT'g your kid or not? Do they have to change his diaper? No? Then they shouldn't care. When its time, its time, and its nobody's business but the person changing the diapers. Like you would keep him in diapers if you didn't have to.
I snapchatted recorded video while driving the other day and I feel like a real asshoIe. I actually set the thing up while at a red light, but continued to hold the button while I was driving, which is still pretty bad.nbsp;Wino has been flaming me nonstop via text, FB and snapchats. I figured I should confess my sin here as well. nbsp;I swear it won't happen again.nbsp;
Your sin has been forgiven. Luckily, nothing bad happened, and you realize it was a mistake. But never again, miss. [I can't type Missy, because it looks like I'm referring to myself].
Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto: We welcome to you the board with open legs. Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess
My kid has been a cranky, fussy, clingy mess lately...but its been tolerable. Though, the last few nights he's been fighting bedtime like crazy, pretty much screaming his head off for a good 20 to 30 minutes, even with me or dh comforting him, before he falls asleep. I use tylenol or motrin when necessary, but prefer not to give it too much. Anywho...DS has now started rolling over in his crib. When I found him sleeping on his belly at 530 this morning, I flipped him over. That apparently started WW3 and he screamed his head off again. I got so fed up from being just plain tired that I lost my cool, raised my voice a little, and said ''just relax and go the f'uck back to sleep!''. He eventually flipped back onto his belly and fell back asleep. I feel like a horrible mom for not having more patience. He's only a baby.
Leave him on his belly.
I would back out of the room verrry slowly, and not wake the sleeping baby.
That's what I ended up doing. But ugh..I feel horrible for losing my patience.
Never, ever, wake a sleeping baby. Unless medically necessary.
All of my in laws are coming over today to swim and cookout. They are all crazy, with the exception of my SIL. Nice, love them to death, but very high strung. I plan on drinking lots of beer and letting DS eat his weight in cheese puffs to get through the day.
FFFC: I'm a officially a Mommy Dearest. I'm out of swimmers so I put DD in her bathing suit commando. Well before we made it outside she peed. My instant reaction was to yell "Noooooo". That of course scared the crap out of her and every time she peed outside she would cry and say "uh oh".
My coworker has been really heinous to me. She has been saying mean things behind my back to other people and just being crazy. I can't do much because I want to remain the bigger person in our bosses eyes. So I am purposely not filling stuff that I know drives her crazy. Just to piss her off.
F'ucking CE coirkers. I had one who made it really easy to decide on staying home with N. You should do some crop dusting, too.
Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto: We welcome to you the board with open legs. Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess
Also, I may or my not have emailed pepperidge farm yesterday to complain that the last 3 tins of Pirouette cookies I bought have been all broken. This significantly diminishes my enjoyment of said cookies, as my M.O. Is o eat all the wafer off, then enjoy the fudgy goodness inside. I am kind of hoping they send me some free cookies for my pain and suffering.
i didn't even get to tell you that I found out that she was telling our new coworker that no one liked me. When I was out of the office ON MY BIRTHDAY.
Whadduh b!tch. ::wishes uncontrollable diarrhea on Mack's coworker::
Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto: We welcome to you the board with open legs. Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess
Also, I may or my not have emailed pepperidge farm yesterday to complain that the last 3 tins of Pirouette cookies I bought have been all broken. This significantly diminishes my enjoyment of said cookies, as my M.O. Is o eat all the wafer off, then enjoy the fudgy goodness inside. I am kind of hoping they send me some free cookies for my pain and suffering.
That is a perfectly natural outcome to an email.
I may or may not do this on the reg with food that I eat in a ritualistic manner.
FFFC: I'm a officially a Mommy Dearest. I'm out of swimmers so I put DD in her bathing suit commando. Well before we made it outside she peed. My instant reaction was to yell "Noooooo". That of course scared the crap out of her and every time she peed outside she would cry and say "uh oh".
I feel like a piece of shiit.
dont feel so bad. It's hard not to react in the moment. Just try and react the way you want to from here on out. If she learned to be upset about peeing outside so quickly she can unlearn it too.
I am planning on holding out on DH until he gets it through his head that I am overwhelmed with working 40+ hours, taking care of DDs all by myself, trying to clear out my mom's house, and settle her estate. Then, on the weekends, when I feel he should do the majority of the parenting he didn't do during the week, he thinks it should be 50/50.
No, I just took care of them for 5 days straight while you got to work out, get your dry cleaning, run errands for yourself, watch tv, etc. I'm going to go walk around Target. By myself. Or you aren't getting laid. Ever.
I could lend you my voice. He would never make you sing again.
Plug it up!
:throws tampons:
Do you touch them to your lips? I had a friend who did that all the time around me.
I did this when I was younger. I didn't know there was a name for it. I had almost no eyelashes at one point. My mom was so embarrassed of me. (((hugs)))
No, I rub them back and forth, roll the hair, and pull sometimes when it doesn't feel right. I feel weird typing it out.
You shouldn't feel weird. When I get anxious, I feel like I am going to throw up, and I dig my nails into my skin so the pain overwhelms the nausea. DH will pick my arm up and see little moon shaped scabs, and shake his head.
Aww, how sad for you. I'm sorry :[
I am so sorry. Hugs.
And feel better soon, Spooko. Hugs to you too.
dont feel weird. When I am anxious, I bite off all the skin around my cuticles. It is disgusting, and my hands never look nice. Whenever I have to let my kid cry it out, I basically lay in bed listening to the monitor eating my hands. I have done it forever, and can't stop
I hope she gets him to sign her boobs. Is Norman Reedus going to be there?
DH eats his cuticles. He also picks at the cuticles on his toes. Barf. I can handle the fingers; we all have our tells, but the toes???
I have no patience with our dog since we had DS. He's seriously anasshole. Like, if we leave the house after dinner to do anything other than take him on a walk, he'll shiit in the playroom. His whole life is a quest to eat trash, too, half of which he leaves scattered in the floor. It's hard enough for me to be patient with a toddler, all my patience reserves are tapped out when it comes to the damn dog.
I have to constantly tell myself I really do love him. Then I feel like a diick. At least he's cute.
Anywho...DS has now started rolling over in his crib. When I found him sleeping on his belly at 530 this morning, I flipped him over. That apparently started WW3 and he screamed his head off again. I got so fed up from being just plain tired that I lost my cool, raised my voice a little, and said ''just relax and go the f'uck back to sleep!''.
He eventually flipped back onto his belly and fell back asleep. I feel like a horrible mom for not having more patience. He's only a baby.
I can't get the ticker to work, but I have two sons:
Baby RJ, born 1/25/2014
Formerly Twilightmv
Today is my last day at my job. I have been here almost 6 years. When I told them 2 weeks ago they seemed ok with me leaving. I have practically ran their business for the last 6 years I know that they want me to feel like they are happy for me since they are smaller (family owned) and I am moving on to a bigger company that I can have more opportunities with and retire from, but a part of me is sad that no one asked if there was something that they could do or that no one seems sad (besides my co-worker) that I am leaving. I realize that I am being bratty, but I thought we had a better relationship than we did.
Also I plan on doing nothing today, but bumping and cleaning out my favorites here at work and emailing them to me so that I have them at home!
Yep I'm totally with you
Leave him on his belly.
I would back out of the room verrry slowly, and not wake the sleeping baby.
Same here. With DS' language delay, I just feel like we're light years away from being ready. He doesn't even have words for poop and pee yet or tell us when he needs a new diaper.
I wish people would mind their own business about transitions like these. I feel like everyone we've talked to in the past month or so has casually asked us when we're potty training. I'm sure by the time he's three our parents will be full-on pestering us about it. ::sigh::
I am making a cross country trip to say a final goodbye to my grandmother in August. She has esophageal cancer and isn't taking any treatment at all. I'm very sad to be making the trip, but so grateful she saw DS a couple of months ago and enjoyed him every time she did see him. I am also feeling very blessed that I can even go out there once more.
All that being said, a big (ish) part of me is all " 4 days without a toddler??? And to see my mom, who will take care of me all day?? H3LLLLL yes." And then I feel bad:/
That's what I ended up doing. But ugh..I feel horrible for losing my patience.
Who cares if you are PT'g your kid or not? Do they have to change his diaper? No? Then they shouldn't care. When its time, its time, and its nobody's business but the person changing the diapers. Like you would keep him in diapers if you didn't have to.
Your sin has been forgiven. Luckily, nothing bad happened, and you realize it was a mistake. But never again, miss. [I can't type Missy, because it looks like I'm referring to myself].
Never, ever, wake a sleeping baby. Unless medically necessary.
I feel like a piece of shiit.
F'ucking CE coirkers. I had one who made it really easy to decide on staying home with N. You should do some crop dusting, too.
Whadduh b!tch. ::wishes uncontrollable diarrhea on Mack's coworker::
That is a perfectly natural outcome to an email.
I may or may not do this on the reg with food that I eat in a ritualistic manner.
dont feel so bad. It's hard not to react in the moment. Just try and react the way you want to from here on out. If she learned to be upset about peeing outside so quickly she can unlearn it too.