I just wanted to share that I joined my local MoMs group before my girls were born but I hadn't done anything with the group yet. I recently signed up for a mentor in the group and got matched up with a woman who has a 5 year old singleton and 3 year old twins. She dropped by this morning and brought pastries and fruit and reassured me that everything I'm feeling is normal and it was just great to have someone IRL who understands what I'm going through tell me I'm doing a good job.
No real point to this post other than to encourage other new MoMs to check out their local clubs to see if a mentor program exists!
I did consider whether it might be good to match up Bumpies as well, for those who don't have a local mentor, but there is probably no point as one can always come on here when needed and get support from lots of experienced MoMs all at once.
Re: Mentors and mentees