Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Bug spray

We are going to OBX in a week. The bugs can be unbearable. My ped okayed bug spray but I can't remember what kind he said is okay. Anybody know a good bug spray for infants? I can always call the ped but thought you all might know.
Started TTC 2/2009
Started fertility treatments 11/2010
Ovarian dysfunction, LPD, male factor
6 failed medicated IUI's
Pregnant 5/2011 - Miscarriage at 6 weeks due to triploidy
Decided to adopt - 6/2012
SURPRISE! Pregnant without intervention - 7/2012 
Sweet Baby James Born 3/2013
Decided to be "One and Done"

....OR NOT.
Pregnant 12/2018 despite birth control pills
Here we go again...
Due 8/26/19!

Re: Bug spray

  • I use bug bands.  It's basically a bracelet that you put on their wrist or ankle that keeps the bugs away.  And it really works!  I have been using it on my son for a few years.  With my 3 month old, I usually put it on her stroller or carrier, and I usually have one on myself, and that seems to be enough to keep the bugs off of her.  Although I'm pretty sure it's safe to put it right on the baby too (I haven't looked into it though).
  • Look up lucies list on bug repellent. She has a lot of tested, regular and natural repellents that are good for infants. I would retrieve the link but I'm on my mobile.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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  • anything that doesnt contain deet. Never use bracelets can absorb way too much chemicals through the skin
  • DH & I went camping at his cousins trailer and there are millions of bugs so we needed bug spray. I was uneasy about spraying her with something since she likes eating her hands, so I tried "OFF clip on" Not sure if you can get it where you live but it worked perfect for DD. Not one single bite, while I had a million. Just clip it to there clothes or stroller wherever they're sitting and it sends out a sound and a bur repellent to keep them away.
    Dayna Dx w/PCOS in 2008 Off BC in July 2010 TTC#1 cycle 12 BFP! Due Mar 2013 save the date image
  • My husband and I bought the Clip on last summer to try.. they were horrible.. the mosquitoes kept a comming! 
    This year we live in the north in the back country so I am looking for other solutions since we are now pregnant.. I guess this is something I will have to just test out a various of products to see which one actually works for us :(  
    we also plan to buy a screen tent so we would be able to sit outside while reading our books and not having to squat away bugs as much.. thanks for the suggestions!  
  • agfox92agfox92 member
    My pediatrician said to spray lo's clothes before putting them on and not her. Otherwise there is bug netting for car seats and strollers
  • spotco2spotco2 member
    If you are going to be in a stationary area (sitting outside and not on the run) check out a Thermocell repellant. It heats up a pad with repellant on it and gives you about a 5' radius that is bug free.

    We've used them for grilling, hunting and just lounging and they work fantastic without having to apply anything to your body or clothes. You can find them at Wal Mart, sporting good stores or just Amazon. One pad will last 5-6 hours and the fuel canisters last for a couple of pads.

    If you're on the move, I've got nothing. Insects don't normally bite me but they swarm my wife (I guess she's just so sweet) so she normally just wears lightweight long clothes outside. Not sure about the baby yet. Going to start looking though since we spend a lot of time outdoors.
    Proud 40 year old, first time daddy!
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