

So, my husband and I found out today that we are almost 9 weeks pregnant with what appear to be identical twins. (They are in the same sack.) I am very new to twins. They don't run i either of our families. So, I know that it isn't uncommon to lose one during the early stages of pregnancy. My doctor said that both were the same size and had strong heartbeats, so the risk was minimal. But, now that I know there are two, I definitely want to do everything I can to make sure we keep them. So, is there anything specific I should be doing, or not doing, to make sure both babies make it to term? I mean, other than the obvious no drinking, smoking, etc. Thanks!

Re: Twins?

  • Congratulations! Just relax, mama! You already know what to do and not do. It's exactly the same as if you were carrying one baby. I know exactly how you feel. You can't help but worry extra when you're having multiples! I always say I'm glad I didn't learn it was twins until 20 weeks because I would have worried myself to death. Relax, take your prenatals, find a good mfm, eat lots of protein and enjoy the ride! Congrats again!


  • Er, let me rephrase what I said earlier... The things you do to take care of yourself are the same as with a singleton, but the pregnancy is not the same as a singleton! Good luck again! Identical twins are sooo much fun!


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  • Congrats! Basically, just relax/destress as much as possible, and treat it as you would a single pregnancy. Your OB will likely have you start a folic acid supplement in addition to your prenatal vitamin and also meet with MFM to go over twin specific stuff. The meeting with MFM may give you some scary info, but don't stress about it...and try to resist the urge to Google those things. Twins tend to be monitored more closely so you'll probably feel like you've moved into your OB's office by the time you give birth.

    I have identical boys due via c/s on Friday and we were surprised too even though twins run in my family. Identicals are the random ones, not genetic, so theoretically anyone can have them. Welcome to the club!
    J13 May Siggy Challenge: People lacking in common sense raise my blood pressure.

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  • Congrats!! I agree with what was already stated. I still worry and I'm 35weeks! I hear the worrying never ends. ;) pick up the book "When you are expecting twins, triplets or quads." It gives some really helpful information. People will say to ignore the weight gain info in the book and go with what your doc says. I agree with that. This board is also amazing!! I have learned so much! Keep us updated! 

  • hello I was in the same position you were 2 months ago. My specialist called them mono/mono twins mostly everything is alike. My identical twin girls were also in the same sac sharing the placenta and they didnt find a membrane at 20 weeks. All you need to do is relax and enjoy being pregnant. I was told by my specialist that I had to go on hospital bed rest for 8 weeks and i delivered at 32 weeks, they didnt want to risk going any longer in womb due to cord entanglement. As long as they are not having bad cord entanglement you should be just fine but clearly take it easy I was hard headed and didnt. In  addition I didnt have any risk of losing one of them so you shouldnt have any either. Good luck and congrats
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Ask your doctor if your prenatal has the right amount of everything, mine was low on folic acid and Iron. 
    Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
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  • SwetaVSwetaV member
    First off, congrats! Secondly, I say relax and take care of yourself; eat healthy and try to stay active.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Congratulations! I'm also expecting identical mo/di twins. All you can do it take it once day at a time! Eat healthy, extra protein is good, rest when you can and accept help from others. Especially when you get further along. This board is a great resource. 
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Congratulations and welcome! We were also totally shocked to find out that we were having identical twins. The idea of two babies never even occurred to me, but my mo/di pregnancy went smoothly and I'm currently writing with a snuggly two year old boy in my lap his brother is sleeping in today.

    I found Dr. Barbara Luke 's book "When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets or More" to be helpful. And the ladies on the board are incredibly knowledgeable and helpful.

    Good luck!
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  • Yay Congrats and welcome!!!

    Mine were the same size when we found them at 6w3d and they are doing really well now at 13w (one is even measuring 3 days over my LMP!) I wish I could have told myself to not worry about losing one - I was worried like crazy from 6w to 10w. It wasn't worth it.

    I got the Dr. Luke book and read way too much of it right away.  Take it slow. It is a bit heavy handed on everything that can go wrong, and I made myself SICK eating as much as it suggested I eat. Like seriously I felt ill.  So I am just trying to supplement with Ensure and Boost and eat calorie heavy items like beef and beans and peanut butter, and snack a lot in between. 

    Married my best friend, June 8, 2008

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    Josie was 5lbs2oz, Lexie was 4lbs15oz 
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  • p.s. I cried for three days and felt sick, overwhelmed, apprehensive and terrified when we found out - this is all normal, so don't worry about it initially if you feel "ungrateful" for this "blessing" - its ok. Just seek out the support you need - I joined a local twins club and met some MoMs and expectant MoMs and felt so much better. 
    Married my best friend, June 8, 2008

    5/17/13 BFP!!! 6/6/13 - OMG its TWINS!

    Josie and Lexie were born on January 4, 2014 at 37w2d
    Josie was 5lbs2oz, Lexie was 4lbs15oz 
    Both had a 9 APGAR score with no NICU time
    Planned unscheduled C-Section due to both being breech
    We all went home on Jan 6th, 2 days after surgery

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