
Baby Food

I know you can start feeding solids to babies at 4 months, but what about preemies should it be their adjusted age?
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Re: Baby Food

  • Per our neo's suggestion, we went by adjusted age (i.e., we JUST started the past few days). DD2 probably isn't really ready yet -- but we're still letting her try, since DD1 is all freaking over it. She's like gobbling down anything we put in her mouth (no surprise there). Like everything with DD2 -- she'll get there, but it just takes her a bit longer.
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  • Our pedi has us do 4 months actual. We were very lucky- DS did really well with it.  I think it really depends a lot on the baby. 

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  • Our Pedi had us wait until dd showed signs that she was ready. She said that "they" really didn't know when to feed preemies actual or adjusted and to follow her lead and introduce solids when she seemed interested. I started just after 8 months 5 adjusted because she had zero interest before then. She was pretty close to 6 mo adjusted when she really started eating solids.
  • We went by adjusted age, DD was about 6 or 7 months adjusted. I would watch for signs of readiness more than anything, like staring at you while you're eating.
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  • tlk432tlk432 member
    I know you can start feeding solids to babies at 4 months, but what about preemies should it be their adjusted age?

    We attempted at 6 months actual, but kiddo was not interested...he didn't really take much food at all until he was closer to a year. Watch for signs of readiness, follow baby's cues, and don't fret if baby isn't interested right away. My kiddo eats a ton now!
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