Cloth Diapering

Got my first cover!!!

CD newbie here and did a TON of research and asking of questions. Thank u ladies on here who have been oh so helpful!!!

I'm eekin out because yesterday I got my first "sorry I can't make t to your shower" gift delivered from amazon. It's my first ever diaper cover!!!! It's the thirsties duo wrap in the Hoot pattern, along with the medium size plant wise owl pattern wet bag. Both feel amazing in quality and the diaper cover is ridiculously small and cute.

If for no other reason that ppl decide to CD, the sheer fact that the shell prints available are so darn cute could serve as the sole reason! Lol

Anyway, I know u fellow CDing mamas would understand my excitement so I had to eek out here! Can't wait to grow my collection, though most will be probably be solid color BGs. It also means a lot that my friends support me in my CD undertaking!

Re: Got my first cover!!!

  • Hoot was my first cover as well :)  Super cute!
    Asher Benjamin and Lola Aisling

    PCOS, Progesterone Deficiency Disorder, Multiple Miscarriage
    Clomid, Metformin, Ovadril, PIO, P17 Iron/Platlet Tranfusion

    My Spring Babies! 
    <3 Angel Baby   Elisabeth Adelle  April 2008 <3
    Asher Benjamin  April 2010
    Lola Aisling  May 2014
  • I love that wet bag. It's my favorite of my four!

    Summer is my favorite season, because I can justify having my daughter run around in dresses and shirts so she can show off all the cute diapers I have.

    Also we call a diaper and shirt an instant outfit.
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  • 4 wet bags?? Should I get more? I was only thinking one med and one large. But I'm wondering if I should get the long hanging one, or another medium. Also only getting one diaper pail liner, also planet wise.

    Yes, the hoot pattern is super cute!! And I totally imagine my kid being dressed in just a cute top and showing off the diapers, too!
  • imagemsjanet02:
    4 wet bags?? Should I get more? I was only thinking one med and one large. But I'm wondering if I should get the long hanging one, or another medium. Also only getting one diaper pail liner, also planet wise.

    Yes, the hoot pattern is super cute!! And I totally imagine my kid being dressed in just a cute top and showing off the diapers, too!

    I have four large that I rotate between daycare and home. I also go send a fresh one each day to daycare and only wash ever 3 days. I don't do pail liners at home.

    I would recommend 2 to 3 for in home use if you use them as your primary storage at home.
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