Cloth Diapering


Anyone ever buy anything from there? I knew it was delayed shipping, but didnt realize the 14 to 16 days to ship were business days, so it's really more like 3 weeks. I contacted them, and they told me my order would ship yesterday. It still says "on hold" rather than "shipped." Should I contact them today, or wait another day or 2? Anyone else have experience with buying from there? I don't think I'll ever buy anything from them again....

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BabyFruit Ticker


Re: Ecobabybuys

  • I've purchased stuff from them a couple of times. It's delayed ship and as long as you remember that, you'll be fine. Everything I've ever ordered has always shipped sooner or later, so I just make sure I never order anything I'm not willing to wait up to a  month for. Some (but not all) of their deals are good enough to wait for.
  • I have stuff that I've bought from there where it still says my order is 'on hold' and I've received it. 

    I would say 3 weeks was about the average time to receive the items I ordered 

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