Actual question: Has anyone found a dentist for their LO that they love? And one that perhaps let's you go back with your child for procedures until they are at least a little older?
Our LO turned two last week and our Ped suggested that we take him to see the dentist within the next 6 months. The family dentist that my husband and I currently go to, and the pediatric dentist that they are affiliated with, have always told us that we could "wait" until he has at least 8 teeth (which he has had for a while now). I have since spoken with a friend from high school who is now a dentist in a different state about what to look for and one big thing he said to watch out for are dentist who say to "wait until they are 3" or other similar sentiments since they are considered more "old school" and not as evidence based with current research which I guess says something more along the lines of 6 months for their first appt? Which means that our current dentist is most likely "out"
Thanks in Advance!
Re: Dentist in the city?