Cloth Diapering

Baby seems uncomfortable

My son is 2 weeks seems to be uncomfortable with my thirsties diapers with a NB bumgenius insert. He just seems uncomfortable in these. I was using pampers the first two weeks. Am I using the wrong combo? I change him regularly. I just don't understand how to use prefolds and don't want the diapers too bulky. Any suggestions?

Re: Baby seems uncomfortable

  • Microfibre inserts shouldn't touch baby... they need to be in a pocket diaper so that ther is a layer in between the skin and the insert.


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  • why can't MF touch the baby?
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  • There are some videos on youtube about how to use prefolds... it might be worthwhile to check them out if you are interested.  It's not too complicated, but I needed the visual myself.


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  • Yep the baby is provably uncomfortable!

    If you want to use the insert that way you have two options:

    1. Purchase a sleeve, bum genius makes these

    2. Make your own sleeve or cut up some microfleece / this is different from microfiber

    Or you can learn how to use prefolds. To start to get comfortable with the prefolds, just trifold them. Yes the covers will get dirty more often but you are slowly getting used to the prefolds!
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