
DW is nesting like crazy

There is no end to her list of house work.  At first there was an excuse because we are refinancing and we needed to get the house in order for the appraiser.  That's done but now she's added a dozen new entries to the list, including changes to rooms that she finished months ago.  

I don't think I have the stones to tell her to calm down...she has this crazed look in her eye like Clark Griswold finding out Wally World is closed. 

Anyways, how were your nesting experiences? 



Re: DW is nesting like crazy

  • I was a complete crazy woman. Unstable, if you will. Do what you can and reassure her things will be just fine once baby is here.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • imagefutant462:

    There is no end to her list of house work.  At first there was an excuse because we are refinancing and we needed to get the house in order for the appraiser.  That's done but now she's added a dozen new entries to the list, including changes to rooms that she finished months ago.  

    I don't think I have the stones to tell her to calm down...she has this crazed look in her eye like Clark Griswold finding out Wally World is closed. 

    Anyways, how were your nesting experiences? 


    I didn't experience any nesting because I am broken, but I just wanted to give you props for that excellent simile. 

    "To me, you are perfect."

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  • I too am broken and didn't nest. 

    I'm more of this clark:


    (excited and doesn't know there is pee on it yet) 

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  • I bought everything I could buy for the baby as soon as possible. It was nuts. I had a crib at 3 months, a car seat at 5 months. I set up the nursery the whole pregnancy. That's all I could think of. DH didn't get it, but it made me feel prepared, so he went along with it.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
  • If you are smart, you will get her some chocolate and alcohol, and do as she says.

    The only thing I did when I nested was wash all the laundry a million times. Oh, and put together every single baby swing, bouncer, etc., that DH, at his own peril, neglected to do.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • MaebbMaebb member
    I wiped my cubicle down with Lysol wipes because if I suddenly had the baby one night and didn't come back to work, I didn't want someone thinking, "Ewww, this girl is nasty." I also straightened the house slightly more than normal, but honestly, DH hoped that I would nest a little more because cleaning is not one of my strengths.
  • I had my moments - I actually called out of work "sick" one day to finish a project I had started the night before. Just keep offering to help, it makes her feel good :)

  • I was a cross between Bob Vila, Martha Stewart and someone needing inpatient mental health care.

    If the house was dirty and I was out and about, I would get so Anxious DH would have to take me home to clean. I also started using power tools and crafting.




    My 4 Angel Babies.....
    MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009

    Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!

  • We moved while I was pregnant with DD1. I wanted EVERYTHING unpacked and put in it's place before she was born. I remember lifting a heavy TV, placing it on a wheeled chair and moving it to the desired location because I got sick of waiting for DH to do it. So my suggestion? Just do what she wants. I was glad everything was done because home projects didn't really happen until DD1 was 2.
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  • DW nested, but aside from insisting we buy the baby furniture on the early side and that I put it together when she was like 28 weeks pregnant, she tended to leave me out of it. Most of it was stuff like decorating anyways.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imagemamaREB29:

    Way too late on this warning.

    She lives for Pinterest projects and recipes whether she's pregnant or not.  

    I'm not really complaining though because she's made a lot of delicious desserts. 

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