
FB group's whats going on.

Our almost 5 month old niece passed away suddenly on Tuesday.  We are just devastated. I was posting on my local board for support and had felt MIA from this board so I didn't want to just "show up" with sad news.  But, I know those in the group on FB are wondering, so I want to share it with you.

Lindsi is taking over as admin, my heart just isn't in it.  I know there were others who offerred to assist. Lindsi emailed first and I just wanted to get it taken care of.  Thanks to all who messaged me with their concern. 

Words cannot describe the grief we are all feeling.  My brother and SIL were so strong.  They loved their Lily so much.  They are both on FB and I want to respect their grieving, you know, not to have too much "out there."  So please don't post anything on my wall or anything like that.  Actually, it's just too painful to see it like that. 

We believe our sweet niece is an angel, a saint. So pray to Baby Lily to look after all of you and your babies.  She was so full of love, so sweet, we believe she had God in her heart from the moment she was conceived.  The most beautiful flowers bloom for the shortest time.  God Bless Lily, my brother and SIL and Lily's beautiful sister and brother.



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