December 2010 Moms

Moms of boys...PTing edition

Since PTing is the topic of the day :)


Moms of boys what are you doing after peeing. Do you have them wipe? Tell them to shake it? Just leave it be and deal with the last drip or two on the toilet or underwear or tile and just wipe it up afterwards? Im a bit at a loss since we've done all 3 methods....  

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Re: Moms of boys...PTing edition

  • Oh...nothing. He stands up and cheers and runs around right after he pees, so I'm sure the last drop or so goes somewhere on the floor. I haven't really noticed.  I'm sure someday he'll shake it or something.

    Personally, I wouldn't have them wipe. Rough tp can irritate the tip of the penis and I feel like A at least doesn't know how to be gentle with his penis yet.

    That was an interesting sentence to write...

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  • This is a totally relevant topic! I have been wondering this as well.

    DH tells him to shake it, once mind you lol, but when he does it he mostly just smashes it and does a little yank. It kind of worries me that he's going to hurt himself! So we've kind of moved to one piece of TP to 'wipe' with. I think maybe later we will revisit the shake. lol
    I used to be a big deal.  Now I'm just old. 
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  • kj07kj07 member
    Not that we're really PTing here yet, but we usually just let it go. He's into dumping out his potty so I assume the final drip falls off onto our bath mat during that process.
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  • In the beginning I would take TP and just pat (not wipe) the tip.  I was trying to show G how to do that but he didn't want to.  So then I started showing him how to shake and he thinks thats hilarious so now he can shake by himself.
  • O does a combo of shake and drip. < that was also weird to write, lol.

    Sometimes he shakes, other times he is excited and runs out of the room. If he runs I just clean up any drips. 

    Funny story: O had been doing the run and drip since the beginning but a couple weeks ago he started doing the shake. He hadn't done it before so I was kind of surprised to see it. I asked DH about it later and he said he hadn't showed him. Apparently, he figured it out on his own. It must just be a natural thing to shake it I guess, lol. 

  • I usually use a little piece of TP and dab. I also started having Noah sit backwards and it works so much better! I'm no longer getting soaked every time he pees!
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  • We "dab dab dab", with a square of TP, together.

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  • Um - nothing. We usually encourage him to just sit a bit longer on the potty to "make sure all the pee pee gets out". So who knows where the last little drips go.



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  • We try to do a little "shake" but it's often me giving a few little taps to shake off the last drop!  Ha!   Wow...who knew there were so many nuances with these crazy things! 
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  • lrn327lrn327 member
    I used to just not worry about it, but apparently my dad taught him to shake one night when he and my stepmom were babysitting.  It was pretty funny to discover from my 2-yr-old the new trick grandpa taught him!
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