Colorado Babies

hello with questions!

I'm new here! I'm pregnant with my first child and I'm due in February.
Also, I have questions about classes. Mostly about breast feeding and daddy boot camp. I have Kaiser insurance and planning to deliver at Sky ridge. Can anyone who has Kaiser tell me who has a good breast feeding class and a daddy boot camp? Also, are there any other classes that were helpful that we should consider?
Thanks in advance for your help!

Re: hello with questions!

  • I have Kaiser too, but I'm delivering at Good Samaritan.  We took all of our classes through the hospital - I'm sure Sky Ridge has them too.  Of the classes we took took at Good Samaritan, I would say the child birth class was the most helpful, you might want to consider adding that to your list.

    Good luck! 

  • Aurora Medical Center had a great daddy boot camp.  BTW, Skyridge was great.
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  • BB0214BB0214 member
    Thanks ladies! Anymore suggestions?
  • We delivered at Good Sam and took all the classes there. My husband really liked the daddy boot camp class and found it very helpful. At Good Sam they offer a labor lab class which I found to be really good. It was held on the maternity floor and you actually get to "practice" labor techniques in an actual labor/delivery room. I don't know if your hospital offers that class or not, but that might be a good one to look into. We also took an infant/child cpr class just because we wanted to make sure we were fully prepared for anything that may happen!
  • Another from Good Sam here. I signed up for every class they offer, and have been really impressed with how helpful they have all been!
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  • Yes we did the same with our first at Good Samaritan in Lafayette. 
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