Maryland Babies

Columbia/HoCo Area OBGYN

Hoping to get some advice from fellow moms & moms to be here.  I just tested positive on a home pregnancy test over the weekend and am overwhelmed and excited!  I want to see a doctor to confirm and I have a million questions.  I'm fairly new to the area and don't have a primary doctor yet and have called around to a few OBGYN doctors on my health insurance plan but none of them will see me until about 8 weeks.

My concern is how to go about finding an OBGYN who will be with me during this exciting time of my life - I don't want to randomly find someone.  I know I should have found a primary doctor once I moved here but just didn't.  I can't ask around via friends/family/colleagues because I'm around 4 weeks and want to keep this news quiet until I am further along and have confirmed with a doctor.

Any Columbia/HoCo recommendations of amazing OBGYN doctors?  I'm willing to travel for the right doctor.  While I'm posting this, recommendations for a great primary care group would be appreciated too.

Thank you!!


Re: Columbia/HoCo Area OBGYN

  • I go to an OBGYN group of Hopkins Physicians and they have an office in Odenton and Columbia. They are wonderful and throrough and deliver at Howard County. Dr. Maureen Grundy was the first one I saw. I had an ultrasound at 7 weeks and bloodwork at 4 to confirm. My progesterone was low so she put me on something right away. Best of luck!!!
  • Congrats!!

    I am with Capital Womens Care in Maple Lawn and they are great. They deliver at Howard County General Hospital which is also great.

    Not seeing you until 8 weeks is fairly standard. There's not really anything to do before then other than blood work which they will probably have you do around 5 weeks. I got in for an ultrasound at 6 weeks but that's only because I have had 3 previous losses. I know it sucks to wait till 8 weeks though!



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    BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
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  • I am also with JH Community Physicians OB/GYN. I've had some very minor office issues, but I'm happy with them overall, they've definitely gotten better as I've gotten further along.

    I really like Howard County General and have always heard great things about it. My first was deliverd at GBMC so I have high expectations.

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  • I also go to Capital Womens Care in Maple Lawn.  I have been happy with them so far, but this is my first so I don't have experience all the way through to delivery yet.  All of the Drs are very nice and it's a very nice, modern office.  The earliest they will see you is probably 7 weeks and that is standard across all OBs.  I know it's hard to wait, but they won't do an ultrasound or HCG level blood tests earlier than that unless something is potentially wrong.  Good luck.
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  • I also go to Capital Womens Care in Maple Lawn. Love it there!
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  • ras26ras26 member
    Chalk me up as another CWC Maple Lawn.  Unless there is a history/reason for concern, they don't see you until 8-10 weeks.  It is sooooo hard to wait.  They did send an order for a blood draw for HCG to confirm the pregnancy and recommended I wait until at least 6 weeks to get it done.  As standard practice they do a dating ultrasound, but it's not part of the standard first visit.  If you'd like it on the same day as your first appointment, you should be sure to ask if there is a time they can be scheduled back to back.
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  • I have to say I LOVE this place. My first pregnancy I had a horrible experience with my doctor. Coming here for #2 was a great choice! The entire staff is very friendly...everything is done in one place which is great and save times. I had Dr.Davis for my first visit and he was very nice as well as his Nurse. 

    LOVE this place already! Highly recommend!
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