Awhile ago I posted a name that got positive reviews here. Amelia Jane.
But DH recently told me he does not like Amelia. And after a good search I realized there is a line of children's books called Amelia Jane about a misbehaving doll.
Anyways time to nix that one even thought I thought the flow was great and the meaning awesome. Jane is my mom and such a beautiful woman to namesake.
Idea number two. What about Ophelia Jane. Same type of sound, less popular, great nn potential and DH loves Ophelia because of some old song.
Anyways here are my questions.
Is it accessible or not a real person name, like to fictional?
What is your fav nn for it. I am leaning towards Phea, or Opie?
TTC since July 2012
BFP Dec 11 2012 - EDD Aug 27 2012 - CP Dec 15 2012

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Re: Baby name take two. Ophelia Jane
This was pretty much exactly my reaction. Not really a fan. I also don't like either of those NNs.
ETA: What about Olivia?
Nice name but NMS and way to popular.
BFP Dec 11 2012 - EDD Aug 27 2012 - CP Dec 15 2012
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I actually like the name Ophelia, but I'm not really one to care much about literary connotations. (One of the names DH and I liked for a boy was Dorian Alexander, so hey.) I think I like Phea better as a NN.
ETA: Cecelia is another similar name if you haven't considered that, but I prefer Ophelia TBH.
I like it in spite of the literary connotations, however for me it's more of a GP name.
What about Amelie, Odette or Cornelia?
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
D 2.20.2011 & Z 7.16.2013
I love it! The Shakespeare connotation crosses my mind but doesn't stick.
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Love Ophelia Jane.
I also like pps suggestion of Cecilia.
Other suggestions: Odilia, Aurelia and Magnolia.
I think Ophelia is a mouthful of a name and don't like it at all and (TBH) the nn's you mentioned made me grimace.
I do love Jane though! What about Cordelia? Diana? Victoria?
ETA: It's also my husbands favourite because of the song Ophelia by The Band.
I LOVE this name. I actually was going to name DS1 this if he was a girl, until my MIL got in a huge rage fight with my DH (I could hear) basically saying that you CAN'T name a little girl that because it's not common enough and Hamlet and what have you. Made me ball my eyes out (it was my EDD, so I was pretty hormonal and already disappointing that nothing was happening), so I feel like I can't use it now without being deliberately contrary to her. We don't share our names now, FYI. Wish I was ballsy enough to do it anyway. Maybe one day I will.
To the people who are sketchy about the literary association: Ophelia/Ofelia is still a super common name in non-English speaking cultures. Thus, when people dissociate from that, it is still a beautiful and classic name. People who can't dissociate from it probably will side-eye you, but who cares? YOU know that it's still a beautiful and classic name.
As a nickname, I was going to use "Lia." I also like "Phea." I don't like "Ophie."
Yes that's the song!
BFP Dec 11 2012 - EDD Aug 27 2012 - CP Dec 15 2012
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Why didn't I say this? This is so true. Juliet also killed herself horribly! However, both Juliet and Ophelia are both beautiful, classic names. How come Juliet gets a pass?